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  • Creator Backlash: In the comments for the Cosmic Sin review, he apologises for his harsh comments towards Bruce Willis.
    Obviously this was created over a year before Bruce Willis made his condition public, and as such there are a few comments here that I do regret with hindsight, even if I obviously didn't know so at the time. In subsequent Willis reviews, I began to suspect that his health may have been declining, and decided to soften my tone accordingly. I apologize if any comments seem insensitive, and hope viewers won't judge as harshly as I did, sorry.
  • Magnum Opus Dissonance: While Bad Movie Beatdown episodes tended to get more views during the time period when both shows were being produced, Mathew confirmed after his departure from Channel Awesome that this show was his true passion, and much more the kind of thing he had wanted to do all along.
  • Throw It In!: The "Thomas Middledick" flub in Search Party was kept in due to how oddly appropriate it was.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Around April 2014, due to a somewhat hectic schedule and real life getting in the way, Mathew had written two reviews scripts; one for The Other Woman (2014) and the other The Quiet Ones, but only had enough time to do one review. He eventually settled on The Quiet Ones, leaving The Other Woman un-filmed but did post the script online.
    • Reviews were announced for both Postman Pat The Movie and Moshi Monsters The Movie, but for whatever reason neither manifested.
    • He also planned on reviewing Capture the Flag which hadn’t had a release date yet, only for him to find out after he’d seen it that it had already had a limited US release 2 months previously which hadn’t been listed on any major film websites.
    • The review for Ghostbusters (2016) was originally supposed to open with Buck discussing all the controversy surrounding the film, but he decided to cut it because he felt it started what was a fairly mixed review on a negative note, and combined with him talking about the original movie meant the review essentially had two openings.
