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Trivia / Photon

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  • The Danza: In one of the books where Chris is led to believe he hallucinated all his adventures as a Photon Guardian he meets a dead ringer for Tivia named Loretta. As in Loretta Haywood, the actress who plays Tivia.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The show has never been released on DVD. Possible reasons: It used many well-known Insert Songs that would be expensive to license, and it was never that popular anyway.
  • No Export for You: There was an NES game based on the property, but it was never actually released in the US. It may have been a blessing in disguise, though.
  • Same Language Dub: The cast was dubbed by voice actors, presumably the ones working for Harmony Gold/Streamline Pictures.
  • What Could Have Been: LJN Toysnote  planned to make action figures of the entire main cast, but the line was canceled after only a few figures were released.
