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Trivia / Pale Fire

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  • Referenced by...:
    • The X-Files episode "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" shouts out Pale Fire, with a delusional character receiving a revelation from an alien named "Lord Kinbote".
    • Lines 703-707 of the eponymous poemnote  are referenced and quoted verbatim in Blade Runner 2049, when "K" is given a police post-traumatic stress debriefing, in which he is asked to repeat the words "cells", "interlinked", and "cells interlinked within cells interlinked" in response to several quite brutally invasive questions. Later, "K"'s holographic wife asks him to read Pale Fire to her, but he replies that he hates the book, probably because he's exposed to lines from it every time he "retires" someone.
    • My Dark Vanessa takes its title from a line in Pale Fire.
