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Trivia / Owl Kitty

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  • Enforced Method Acting: For the Home Alone parody, Lizzy's humans improvised a safe trampoline for her to simulate her jumping with Kevin. They also use toys and treats to incentivize her to act in certain ways.
  • Never Work with Children or Animals:
    • The behind-the-scenes for Home Alone showed that one stunt required Lizzy to jump on a Christmas tree. She refused to do so, even with her humans using a toy on a stick. Eventually, they picked her up and put her on the tree, causing it to topple over.
    • In the Jaws parody, it's revealed that Lizzie hates water. She apparently refuses to swim, which made filming more difficult than usual. The humans asked for an Australian cat named Nathan to sub in for her (editing short-haired Nathan's tail to look as fluffy as Lizzy's), and used a comb to make her fur wet. Lizzy wasn't into it and shook it off, something they used in the final take.
    • In the Top Gun: Maverick parody, Lizzie dislikes costumes and there are several outtakes of her ripping off helmets, forcing the humans to make a digital version of Maverick's helmet for the flying scenes.
  • Stunt Double: Stunt cat double at that. For the Jaws parody, Lizzy's humans reached out to humans in Australia, where their aquatic female cat named Nathan provided the footage needed to simulate a cat swimming.
