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Trivia / Nineteen-Ninety-Something

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  • Author's Saving Throw: This was Barboza's exact reason for creating the 2020 reboot. He felt it was too late for him to properly address all the complaints he received about the original comic, and so he decided that restarting from scratch was the necessary option.
  • Canon Discontinuity: Barboza doesn't consider anything from Nineteen-Ninety-Something to be canon with his original Forever 16 comics, as the former was intended to be a reboot of the latter.
  • Doing It for the Art: Barboza claims he makes the comics because he enjoys them and hopes to make a career out of it.
  • Rule 34 – Creator Reactions: Barboza has expressed disdain whenever people make pornographic art of his characters, primarily because most of the cast are underage. That said, his feelings are mixed at best, as he doesn't want to sound ungrateful or come across as a kinkshamer towards those who do draw that type of artwork. A stance that became even shakier once he started including more explicit material in the comic proper.
  • Schedule Slip: Mostly averted. The comic updated literally everyday and Barboza is pretty good with keeping a schedule. Whenever this does happen, it's usually because of technical issues out of Barboza's control (e.g., a broken scanner).
  • What Could Have Been: There were two additional characters to the main teen cast, a gay couple named Derek and Shawn, but they were scrapped as Barboza wasn't sure how to fit them in his already large number of main/recurring characters.
  • Write What You Know: Barboza grew up during the 1990s, and based most of the comic's characters and stories off of either himself directly or personal experiences.
