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Trivia / Mr. Potato Head

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  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer: In February of 2021, Hasbro announced that they were renaming the toy line from Mr. Potato Head to Potato Head, which made perfect sense since it had expanded so much from just the original character. The press release specifically stated that Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head themselves weren't going anywhere, but also touted inclusiveness and plans to introduce a non-gendered Potato family set. Naturally, media outlets ignored the first part and reported that Hasbro was stripping Mr. Potato Head of his gender, which drew a huge backlash, before Hasbro was forced to clarify things.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: Between 2001 and 2003, Jim Davis and his assistant Brett Koth (who also helped him on Garfield and U.S. Acres, albeit uncredited on the former) made a comic strip based on Mr. Potato Head. Only one trade paperback was published and it quickly went out of print. The Garfield Wiki, luckily, has come to the rescue.
  • Kids' Meal Toy:
    • Mr. Potato Head had many mini-figures that came along McDonald's Happy Meals over the years.
    • Burger King had two different sets of toys in 1998 and 1999.
