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Trivia / Little Town Hero

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  • Author's Saving Throw: One of the main criticisms is that the combat can be really difficult and unfair at times. In response, the game received an update that allows players to switch to Easy Mode. This option weakens the enemy ideas, makes them spawn status ideas less and weakens the Guts (the "shield" to protect the enemies health). Furthermore, the game actually encourages you to switch to Easy mode upon fighting the boss at the end of the first chapter.
  • Dueling Works: Coming out at the beginning of the 2019 holiday season, Little Town Hero shared a release window with several highly anticipated titles coming out including The Witcher 3 Switch port, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), the Medievil remake, The Outer Worlds and Luigi's Mansion 3. On a similar note, Pokémon Sword and Shield was set to come out only a month after Little Town Hero's release.
  • Invisible Advertising:
    • There were no updates on the game between its September 2018 reveal and its September 2019 trailer, a month prior to the game's launch. The game's October release itself was completely overshadowed by Pokémon Sword and Shield, which received a new trailer on the same day.
    • The PlayStation 4 version that released the following year only received occasional, passing mention on Game Freak's social media, with the Xbox One and PC ports seeing no marketing whatsoever outside a single tweet.
  • Screwed by the Network: Game Freak failed to market the game well, with the title going a year without being mentioned after its announcement trailer. It received its first proper full trailer only a month before release and proceeded to only receive minor marketing in the few weeks in between. Game Freak also released it during the start of 2019's holiday season, making it have to contend with a large number of high profile titles, including Game Freak's own Pokémon Sword and Shield, for which a video showcasing new content was hyped up and released on the same day Little Town Hero came out.
  • Working Title: The game was simply called "Town" when it was first revealed.
