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Trivia / Life in Manehattan

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  • Beam Me Up, Scotty!: When Octavia uses her cello to lull the chimera to sleep, she gives the oft-misquoted expression to Twilight: "Music soothes the savage beast." As Little Jackie Papercut points out, the actual expression is "savage BREAST."
    • That scene no longer exists, but the author would still like to remind everyone that music hath in it charms to soothe the savage breast.
  • I Am Not Spock: Pretty much sums up Honey/Daring's attitude towards her fictional self.
    • This is turning into a meta problem, as all but a couple of authors seem to be overlooking that "Daring" is her nickname, and treat her real name as an alias.
  • What Could Have Been: Originally Babs was going to be portrayed as the Orange's kid, but when the show's staff confirmed she was not, Tangerine was made.
