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Trivia / Ion Storm

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  • Creator Killer: One for each half of the company.
    • The Dallas office suffered from the one-two punch of the underperformance of Dominion: Storm over Gift 3, which was rushed out as quickly as possible to secure more funding for, and stop taking resources away from, Daikatana, which killed any goodwill or respect the team once had when it released several years late, several million dollars over-budget, and with several glaring issues. Though the team was able to put out a third game, Anachronox, the lingering reputation caused by Daikatana's failure resulted in most of the staff, including founders John Romero and Tom Hall, leaving and Eidos ultimately shuttering the studio just a month later.
    • The Austin office folded under much less dramatic circumstances: their six-game contract originally signed with Eidos happened to be completed with the release of Thief: Deadly Shadows, so Warren Spector and several other senior staff members resigned once it was out, and Eidos would close the office just over a year later.
