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Trivia / I Was a Teenage Werewolf

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  • Dawson Casting: All of the 'high-school students' are clearly in their twenties, at least. Early-twenties at best.
  • Fake Nationality: Pepe, the Romanian janitor, was played by the Russian-born Vladimir Sokoloff.
  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: The film is unavailable on DVD and Blu-ray because the rights for it, along with ten other AIP films, were inherited by Susan Hart, the actress and widow of AIP co-founder James Nicholson. She notoriously asks for a hefty fee whenever a home video label is interested in releasing the films she owns, and none of them have even received new transfers since the late 80s/early 90s. The Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes featuring the films are also unavailable because the footage can't be cleared.
  • No Budget: This film was shot on a $82,000 budget (low-budget even by 1950's standards). Most noticeably, the set of the doctor's office is reused as the principal's office (It's the same window). Despite this, it grossed about $2 million and was one of American International Pictures' most successful films.
  • What Could Have Been: Jack Nicholson auditioned for the lead role.
