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Trivia / Horse Feathers

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  • Beam Me Up, Scotty!: Groucho's line, "I've got to stay here, but there's no reason why you folks shouldn't go out into the lobby until this thing blows over" is almost always misquoted as "out to the lobby for a smoke".
  • The Cast Showoff: Not only do Harpo and Chico get to show off their musical skills with the harp and the piano, but even Groucho gets a turn with the guitar.
  • Harpo Does Something Funny: Unsurprisingly, the movie has several scenes which do nothing but provide an excuse to show off Harpo's antics, such as Pinkie's encounter with the police officer who tries to write him up for blocking traffic.
  • Missing Episode:
    • Several minutes of the movie were either cut or damaged, and thus lost forever (in a cinematic sense). As scripted and initially shot, the movie ended with the four brothers playing poker while Huxley College burned to the ground, although there is some question as to whether this ending was cut before or after the film's release.
    • The scene in Connie's bedroom was sliced to ribbons by the Hays Office, hence the many abrupt cuts in the film as it survives today; the cut footage is now lost.
    • Another brief gag was cut from the speakeasy scene, in which Harpo stood up on the bar and bowled beer bottles with a grapefruit.
  • Real-Life Relative: It goes without saying in a Marx Brothers film, but in this case, Groucho and Zeppo are father and son.
  • Recycled Script: Several comedy routines in the movie were taken from The Marx Brothers' 1920s vaudeville stage show, Fun in Hi Skule.
  • Written-In Infirmity: Chico injured his knee in a car crash. Note that he's sitting down in the scene where Harpo tries to rough up the football players.
