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Trivia / H.A.W.X.

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  • Dueling Games: With Ace Combat, particularly entries set in the real world like Ace Combat: Assault Horizon and Ace Combat: Joint Assault.
  • Follow the Leader: Primarily to Ace Combat, though as obligatory for around the start of The New '10s HAWX 2 has quite a bit of overt inspiration from Modern Warfare as well - there's an AC-130 gunnery mission, the bad guys are ultranationalist Russians, and the plot keeps switching between the POV of several pilots from different nations.
  • Franchise Killer: The original H.A.W.X, while flawed, sold pretty well and got decent reviews from profesional critics. The sequel on the other hand, sold half of original game's sales figures and its reviews were mixed. Because of this, there hasn't been a H.A.W.X installment since the second game in 2010.
