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For the comic book:

  • Screwed by the Network: The entire creative team was pulled off the book so that they could be given more time to work on projects for DC Rebirth, leaving inexperienced fill-in writers to script the final three issues that would encompass the climax of a two-year-long story.
  • Write What You Know: Former CIA officer Tom King writes spy fiction. Ironically while he was brought on to ensure authenticity, he intentionally forwent any realism so the book would be akin to James Bond or Nick Fury.

For the film:

  • Acting for Two: John Fiorella's cousin played multiple roles throughout the trailer.
  • No Budget: Being a self-funded fan film, John Fiorella and Gabriel Sabloff had a very small budget to work with. Much of what's seen on screen is what the cast and crew could provide or make themselves.
    • For some scenes, they had to get the assistance of USC film school students in order to borrow equipment and shoot on campus.
    • They even deliberately shot most characters from the waist up because it was cheaper than procuring the appropriate footwear.
  • No Stunt Double: John Fiorella did most of the stunts himself, including the shot where Robin jumps across two buildings. For the more acrobatic stunts, Fiorella swapped roles with cinematographer Gabriel Sabloff, who has a background in gymnastics.
  • Throw It In!: Robin's boots are a pair owned by John Fiorella that just happened to suit the costume. Fiorella says he has no idea why he had them (they were ludicrously expensive and he never wore them) and decided to put them to use.
