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Trivia / Game of Thrones S6E10: "The Winds of Winter"

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  • Actor-Inspired Element: Frank Hvam, who plays the clerk at the Citadel, was not a confident English speaker and so this is why the clerk is largely silent. His lines may have been dubbed too.
  • Dyeing for Your Art: Finn Jones did indeed have his hair cut off when Loras is sheared before his trial.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • The Wildfire explosion was only going to be seen from outside the sept in a Distant Reaction Shot. But the episode's director storyboarded a sequence showing the High Sparrow being engulfed by the flames, and convinced the show runners to include it.
    • The non-verbal exchange between Jaime and Cersei during the latter's coronation was deleted from the original cut of the episode - as the director wasn't sure what the show-runners wanted and they shot it several ways, but couldn't find a version that worked in the edit. The show-runners had him put it back in.
