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Trivia / Fur Fighters

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  • What Could Have Been:
    • The first game was originally planned to be released on the PlayStation (and PC). However, the console wasn't strong enough to handle the game's engine, resulting in it being moved to the Dreamcast, then later the PlayStation 2.
    • A following game titled Fur Fighters 2: Dark Thingy was in pre-production, which would've been a prequel that goes more into the beginning of the war the Fur Fighters were involved in. The game was put on hold due to the poor sales of Viggo's Revenge, and eventually scrapped when Bizarre Creations was closed.
  • Working Title: Animal Avengers might have emphasized the idea of the game's main protagonists, the Fur Fighters, as a team of animal superheroes who fight to protect the planet. Drive-By might have focused on the game's core mechanics of shooting enemies while traveling through various vehicles. Planet of the Furries might have highlighted the game's setting in a world populated by anthropomorphic animals, while Furballs might have made the game appear more lighthearted and playful. Ultimately, the developers decided that Fur Fighters was a more appropriate and more memorable title for the game, as it conveyed the game's core concept of a team of animal heroes fighting against a group of evil aliens and emphasized the main characters' role in the story.
