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Trivia / Freedom Planet 2

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  • Crossover Cameo: The travelling musician NPC 'Verse' who can be found in Shang Tu & Parusa is actually the main protagonist from composer Leilani Rae Wilson's fantasy adventure novel/ concept album series: Elancia Chronicles.
  • Content Leak: When Freedom Planet 2's website initially launched in December 2015, The Royal Magister's bio ended up giving away The Reveal that he was actually a pure-blooded earth dragon. It wouldn't be until April 2016 that their bio would be updated to remove said details.
  • Doing It for the Art: Tyson Tan took to Twitter to explain that his significant contribution to Freedom Planet 2's art and character designs was done without pay and entirely of his own volition, out of a desire to support and provide for the project.
  • Extremely Lengthy Creation: Freedom Planet 2 released on September 13th, 2022 after being in development for seven years following the release of Freedom Planet. The team size and budget necessitated taking over half a decade to fully realize the scope of the game.
  • Invisible Advertising: Just like for the first game, Galaxy Trail relied almost entirely on word-of-mouth marketing due to budget constraints. But while the former was buoyed by an audience starved for a good retro platforming game, the sequel, released in 2022, faced a much more crowded scene. It's becoming a running joke that many die-hard fans of the first game are still unaware of the sequel being finally out, judging by some of the shocked reactions they leave on social media when they finally find out.
  • Permanent Placeholder: Askal, voiced by Christopher Sabat of Dragon Ball fame, uses sound effects heavily inspired by Dragon Ball Z in particular for some of his attack animations. It was suggested that these might be replaced when a sparring match with him was shown off in pre-release to distance the association a bit, but they never were.
  • Promoted Fanboy: Tyson Tan, who was initially a fanartist for the first game, takes the leading role in redesigning the series' cast and defining the art direction for the sequel. Neera's inclusion as a playable character was in part determined due to Sabrina's loving his redesign of her.
  • Refitted for Sequel: Hubs were an idea that was floated around early in the first game’s development. They’re properly used here.
  • Throw It In!: While this game's massive improvement in acting quality led to outtakes being too rare to include them as an Easter Egg like in the previous game, it has been stated by Sabrina that Askal's last line in Diamond Point after being beaten by Milla, quoted below, wasn't scripted, rather originating as one of the few outtakes that did happen.
    Askal: I hate…!! W-when children… beat me…
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Originally, an option for a player to play the game's story arcs in any order they wanted was supposed to be substituted with a more linear structure, but GalaxyTrail eventually changed their minds and added the feature back during development.
    • In September of 2017, Tyson-tan initially created Libbie the Oryx as a possible mascot for Libre Office, but his entry was unsuccessful. Years later, Libbie would become an NPC in Freedom Planet 2.
    • The unlockable developers' exhibit in the Gallery reveals a ton of cut content and ideas:
      • Spade was originally meant to have an active gameplay role - he would fight alongside you in Sky Bridge, during the segments where you fight waves of enemies on platforms. In addition, he would be an optional opponent in a second training dojo located in Parusa. Though some of his sprites were complete, a combination of various factors lead to this being scrapped.
      • Lilac would have an unlockable pair of wings that would give her the ability to hover and fly. Sabrina fought fiercely to try and get them into the game, but they were scrapped for reasons pertaining to their functionality and the idea that they'd be obsolete compared to other powerups. Fans would later restore the wings with a mod.
      • The Magister would have an alternate, more casual wardrobe for when Shang Tu was taken over, and Milla had an alternate outfit for the Battlesphere, reflecting her persona as "Allim". Both were scrapped due to the already large amounts of spritework done for the game at the time.
      • Sabrina actually stepped into the same recording booth as the rest of the cast to record new lines for the Bird Guard, but she wasn't satisfied with any of them, so she simply opted to recycle the one voice clip she recorded for him in the first game.
      • There were more bird citizens planned for the game, but they ended up being scrapped due to how time consuming they would be to animate.
    • Much like how Milla was originally planned to die in the first game, Neera's death was considered for the sequel.
    • Though the romance element was always intended to be a part of the character, the character that would become Merga was originally envisioned as male.
    • Merga's individual phases were initially meatier, each of them more like individual final bosses in complexity. The high difficulty lead Sabrina to steadily tone them down over the course of development.
    • Jiang Cruise, Shard Desert, and Zodiac River were planned but ultimately scrapped stages or worlds, which even have music from earlier in development. Jiang Cruise would become Tiger Falls, and Shard Desert was an intended Parusa stage that was ultimately replaced narratively by Tidal Gate.
    • Parusa was originally envisioned as a desert island rather than a tropical one.
    • Getting onto Bakunawa would have originally been a Point of No Return until the post-game, but this was ultimately deemed to be too harsh. The Rest Area after Bakunawa Rush is a remnant of this idea.
    • Merga would originally be fought at the end of Lunar Cannon, but her boss fight was moved to its own stage for difficulty reasons.
