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Trivia / Forever 16

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  • Creator Backlash: JB has been reported saying that he hates the strips from 2010-2011, such as the Prince and Pauper story because of how they're so many plot holes and feels he could've done better.
  • Creator Breakdown: JB's increasing depression and anxiety, combined with the unfortunate negativity Nineteen-Ninety-Something has been receiving, is slowly starting to make him wonder if he should even bother continuing the comic.
  • Doing It for the Art: JB claims he makes the comics because he enjoys them and hopes to make a career out of it.
  • Hypothetical Casting: This page here lists actors to play the characters. They are;
  • Rule 34 – Creator Reactions: JB doesn't really like it when people make porn art of his characters but his feelings are mixed at best as he doesn't want to sound ungrateful or be a kinkshamer towards those who do draw it.
  • Schedule Slip: Due to scanner issues, the comic had to be put on hold a couple times.
  • Series Hiatus: Its yet to happen, but JB states that the comic will go on an eventual hiatus so he could focus on other projects and ideas.
  • What Could Have Been: There were two additional characters to the main teen cast, a gay couple named Derek and Shawn, but they were scrapped as JB wasn't sure how to fit them in his already large number of main/recurring characters.
  • Write What You Know: The reason the comic contains so many references to the 90s is because JB grew up in that era, and doesn't think that the 90s are talked about or referenced a whole lot.
