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Trivia / Finding Neverland

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  • Fake Scot:
    • The American Johnny Depp as James M Barrie.
    • In the Broadway musical, James M Barrie is often played by American actors as well.
  • The Shelf of Movie Languishment: The movie was filmed in 2002 but wasn't released until 2004 as Miramax didn't want the film to open close to Peter Pan. In a case of Tropes Are Not Bad, the delay helped get the film a number of Oscar nominations (including Best Picture).
  • Throw It In!: At the Clap Your Hands If You Believe part, the uptight Emma starts clapping fervently. The children were shocked in response, since Julie Christie wasn't supposed to.
  • Wag the Director: The original script, however, called for Dustin Hoffman to be dressed in Captain Hook's costume as he playfully read the Playbill. Upon reading that scene, Dustin said to Marc Forster, "I'm not being Hook again!" The script was then changed.
  • What Could Have Been: Jim Carrey was considered for JM Barrie.
  • It is an urban legend that Barrie asked for 25 seats to be held for children from a nearby Orphans' Asylum, thinking that if adults didn't understand the play, they could take their cues from the kids' reactions. It seems that Barrie considered this but decided it wasn't necessary, and the audience did get it, that this was a play for adults to remember being kids, as well as a play for kids.
  • Barrie asked Peter Davies what was the part he liked best. Young Master Davies replied: "the best part was tearing up the programme and dropping the bits on people's heads." Barrie was delighted.
