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Trivia / Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon

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  • Actor Allusion: Rex Colt is voiced by Michael Biehn, most famous for performing both Kyle Reese and Corporal Hicks — whose respective movies inspired the cheap Direct to Video knockoffs which the game draws heavy influence from.
  • Fake American: Inverted. American Grey DeLisle as Canadian doctor Dr. Elizabeth Veronica Darling. Ironically, since Ubisoft Montreal is a Canadian gaming company and is quite fond of casting their own Canadians as Americans, such as in the very base game of Far Cry 3.
  • What Could Have Been: Left over sound files suggest that Sloan would have had undead mercenaries named Rip and Grinder under his command, and they would have been a boss fight at some point. A remnant of this still exists in the final game; A mission near the end is titled "Summon The Plague" and the music within is a remix of their theme from the film. The mission in the finished game is a trial to obtain the Killstar and the player fights hordes of cyber zombies instead.
