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Trivia / Doctor Who S5 E1 "The Tomb of the Cybermen"

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  • Approval of God: Possibly the highest-ranking instance a Doctor Who story could ever achieve: the serial was praised by none other than series creator Sydney Newman, who personally complimented producer Peter Bryant on the results.
  • Fake American: Vienna-born George Roubicek and Welshman Clive Merrison play Captain Hopper and Jim Callum. Their accents are quite awful.
  • Pop-Culture Urban Legends: The reason Toberman is mostly mute is said to be because he was originally written as deaf and had to use an earpiece, which was then cut because of the the prop not working. However, this may simply be a rumour as the reason he was to wear the "earpiece" was to show how he had been partly changed into a Cyberman.
  • Missing Episode: Subverted. Like the rest of Season 5 (and Season 4), this story was lost for decades... until 1991, when copies of all four episodes were returned from Hong Kong of all places, along with a number of other old British TV programmes. It would remain the only intact serial from Patrick Troughton's first two years until October 2013, when the discovery at a relay station in Nigeria of nine more lost episodes, all from Season 5, led to the completion of "The Enemy of the World" (only one of its six episodes was known to exist before this).
  • Self-Adaptation: Both the televised story and its novelization were written by Gerry Davis.
  • Throw It In!: The Doctor when asked what a cybermat is, points to it and says "one of those". It was one of many of Troughton’s ad-libs kept in.
  • Working Title: The Ice Tombs of Telos and The Cybermen Planet.
