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Trivia / Doctor Who S31 E5 "Flesh and Stone"

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  • Completely Different Title: The French title is "Le Labyrinthe des Anges, deuxième partie" (The Labyrinth of Angels, Part 2).
  • Creator Backlash: Towards the end of his tenure as showrunner, Steven Moffat admitted that he should not have played the scene where Amy tries to seduce the Doctor "for laughs", noting that Amy ignoring the Doctor's protests against her overtures does, at the very least, have some rather uncomfortable sexual assault undertones.
  • Throw It In!: The Doctor's gesture indicating Rory's long nose wasn't in the script. This two-parter were actually the first episodes filmed, before Arthur Darvill had acted on the show, but after he'd been cast. Smith and Darvill were already old friends, so Smith already knew about Darvill's honker and improvised.
