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Trivia / Doctor Who S13 E1 "Terror of the Zygons"

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  • California Doubling: Because of budget constraints, Scotland was played by West Sussex, with the Tulloch Moor shot in the South Downs.
  • The Danza: Angus Lennie as Angus MacRanald.
  • Deleted Scene: An alternate opening scene that would have depicted the TARDIS materialising invisibly, as in "The Invasion", was abandoned because a sudden change in light levels on location meant that the split-screen effect didn't work. This scene explains why Sarah and Harry are wearing the Fourth Doctor's usual hat and scarf in their first appearance in the completed story. The removal ends up leaving the Doctor inexplicably dressed in a tartan Tam-o'-shanter tracking something with a gadget. The scene was restored from mute black-and-white footage retrieved from the original film editor's archive, married to the original soundtrack (which was held separately from the video) and recolourised for the DVD version, giving the Doctor time to explain that he's trying to locate UNIT with a receiver (and that he knows he's in Scotland because he's dressed for Scotland).
  • Fake Scot:
    • English actor John Woodnutt plays the Duke of Forgill.
    • The Highland Games champion known as "The Caber" is played by English actor Robert Russell.
  • Harpo Does Something Funny: The scripted version of the scene where the Doctor and Sarah are locked in a vacuum container required a practical special effect that was too expensive, so it was discarded and Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen were allowed to devise their own scene.
  • Hostility on the Set: Nicholas Courtney recalled that his relationship with Tom Baker changed during the shoot, but not for the better.
    He was less congenial, and hyper-sensitive to criticism. I think he was off on his own plane, and the rest of us had to scramble to keep up with him.
    • According to Courtney, "the tension turned ugly once", when Baker was handed some uncomplimentary notes and lashed out.
      He'd had the part for a year and didn't take kindly to being treated like an incompetant neophyte.
  • Throw It In!: The Brigadier referring to the unseen Prime Minister as "Madam" was an ad-lib by Nicholas Courtney.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Nicholas Courtney suggested to Philip Hinchcliffe that the Brigadier could be killed off in this story, since he felt he would no longer be wanted in the show's new format. Hinchcliffe turned down the idea, however, feeling such an important character should have a more dignified exit.
    • The Skarasen was supposed to have more focus, but Robert Holmes felt that the Zygons were more interesting, especially since they could interact with the main cast.
    • This was originally written as a six parter but cut to four parts, most of which were believed to be on-location scenes. As a result, there became less focus on the Loch Ness and setting of Scotland.
  • Working Title: The Loch, The Secret Of The Loch, The Loch Ness Monster and The Zygons.
  • You Look Familiar:
