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Trivia / Doctor Who Magazine 390 Death To The Doctor

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  • Blooper: Johnathan Morris confirmed that Questor’s “Sweet Bejayus” was a typo that never got fixed.
  • Executive Meddling: The BBC insisted that dialogue where the villains bemoan the Sonic Screwdriver being able to do anything be changed to them bemoaning the Doctor’s ability to seemingly do anything, as they felt the original dialogue came off as too critical.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • When submitted, the story would have only contained flashbacks for Valis and Bolog’s defeats, and both would’ve featured Ten, as Johnathan Morris wasn’t sure editor Clayton Hickman would approve of past Doctor flashbacks. But when Tom Spilsbury took over, he suggested they include more flashbacks, and make them past Doctors.
    • Kraarn was envisioned as a fiery alien, but this was dropped to avoid similarities with the Pyrovile.
  • Tom Spilsbury suggested that the flashbacks to Four and One feature their comic companions, but this was shot down.
