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Trivia / Dead Presidents

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  • Completely Different Title: In Brazil the movie received the name Ambição em Alta Voltagem (something like High Voltage Ambition or Ambition in High Voltage)
  • Creator Backlash: Albert Hughes doesn't look back fondly on the production or the end result of Dead Presidents, critisizing the script and the unnecessary slaughtering of the cops guarding the armoured truck. He cites this as a lesson not to rush into things without properly preparing for it and because you're gaining a following from your success. The only thing he seems to like from the movie is the skull-like facepaint.
  • Playing Against Type: Chris Tucker's gritty portrayal of a Vietnam veteran wasted on heroin, and possibly suffering from Agent Orange. This is actually one of his earlier roles before he became known for Friday, The Fifth Element and Rush Hour.
  • Production Posse: The film features five actors from Menace II Society: Larenz Tate, Clifton Powell, James Pickens Jr., Ryan Williams and Clifton Collins Jr. Both films credit Collins Jr. as "Clifton Gonzalez Gonzalez."
  • Uncredited Role: Martin Sheen as the judge who sentences Anthony at the end.
