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Trivia / Clockwork Knight

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  • Bad Export for You: The European release of Clockwork Knight 2 doesn't have any of the new perks that the US release (and Pepperouchau no Fukubukuro for that matter) contained.
    • A less extreme example, but the before-level cutscenes that were present in the original Japanese releases of both games were axed when the series hit western markets. As these scenes contain useful hints and flesh out the character's personalities, many people will unfortunately miss out unless they know Japanese. Thankfully, translations of the Normal Mode cutscenes from both 1 and 2 exist, though translations for Easy and Hard do not exist as of yet.
  • Contest Winner Cameo: An illustration contest was held in early 1995, promoted in Japan's TV Magazine. The winners', along with a few others who didn't win, names (along with their submissions) can be seen in the ending credits of the Japanese version of Clockwork Knight 2.
  • Official Fan-Submitted Content: Two months before the Japanese release of Clockwork Knight 2, the developers held a "Trap Idea" Contest, looking for level gimmicks and enemy ideas. Among the ideas submitted, several found their way into the game, such as enemies being hit to destroy objects of the opposite plane (used in the Study Room via the Edwards rocket enemy), and an origami boss (which subsequently became the basis for the Study Room boss, Paper Morphy).
  • What Could Have Been:
    • As seen in early test footage, Pepper's weapon was not a key, but an umbrella (likely the umbrella that would go on to become Chelsea's). Also, the game was going to be more combat-oriented, seeing that Pepper has a sword slash and kick animation. The game's story as implied by the footage would have possibly taken place on Christmas Eve.
    • A third Clockwork Knight game was going to be produced whose working titles included Clockwork Knight Puzzle and Clockwork Knight 3: Pengin War, but it never got past the beta stage. This third game would have played similarly to the Bomberman series.
    • Another Clockwork Knight game, Knight N' Knight, was produced for the Nintendo GameCube as an RPG but never got released.
    • There was to be an enemy character who was a monkey with cymbals named Lubancy. Aside from appearing in the opening of the first game, and the second game's Enemy Roll Call, they don't appear at all in the game. Some prototype footage shows the enemy in action, though all it does is walk forward till it hits something and then turns around.
