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Trivia / Captain Southbird

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    Beast Intersection Trivia 
  • Blooper: Southbird tends to add these to The Stinger of his videos, for example:
    • "Birth[day] of a Southbird": a Windows Update knocks Southbird off-kilter.
      Southbird: "Well, Katrina, it's been another sucky birthday. I think even worse than last year. What can you do for me?"
      [A Windows Update notification pops up]
      Southbird: "Apparently you can update Windows. That's cool." [laughs and clears throat] "Well, now I'm just off-kilter. Shit. I can never recover from that."
    • "Truth or 'Dere'" has several different bloopers:
      • Multiple takes for his gruff Kapp'n voice.
      • The non-dialogue text "(introducing himself)" was accidentally added to Chief's text. Southbird reads it as "I mean, hi, I'm Chief" after reading the preceding dialogue text.
      • A glitch causing Chief's text to produce blank text boxes.
      Southbird: [Using his "gravelly Chief voice"] "Well, I guess I had nothing to say."
    • "Emotional Baggage":
      • Bird accidentally removes some of the pattern used to make Wolfburg's roads.
      • Various text-formatting glitches, generally involving text flowing out of the text box, sometimes going offscreen.
    • "TMI Day":
      • Southbird misreads multiple pieces of text, much of which didn't make it into the episode proper. An exception is Kapp'n insulting Percy, with Southbird initially misreading Percy's name as "Perkin" in the outtake's version of the scene; within the main part of the episode, his name is read correctly.
      • Lolly's face becomes glitched in a way that Southbird didn't intentionally hack in and finds creepy himself.
      Southbird: "Oh.... Something horrible has happened to Lolly!"
      [Bird tries to speak to Lolly and no text appears]
      Southbird: "[beat] OK, that's terrifying. I don't know what happened. I didn't do that!"
    • "Happy Birdsday":
      • The game crashes, displaying a memory dump after Bird exits Marshal's house after the former's birthday party.
      • Southbird then mistakenly refers to Papi, who went unseen in the main parts of the episode, as a cow instead of a horse, then corrects himself.
      Southbird: "I know animals."
    • "Freya's Fangs": A glitch produces blank text boxes when Bird speaks to Chrissy. Southbird starts joking about it, claiming that she's doing it to taunt Bird.
    • "The Doctor Is In": shows gibberish repeatedly appearing in characters' text boxes.
    • "Welcome to Birdston": shows a glitch occurring after Kapp'n's song finishes, resulting in the game softlocking with the boat in the ocean.
    • "Percy's Bedside Manner": shows Southbird having to do multiple takes for his Marshal voice.
    • "What's up, Doc?": shows the game failing to display the text "Si, señor" (itself having "sí" ("yes") misspelled as "si" ("if")) in Marshal's text; the "ñ" is rendered as gibberish due to encoding issues.
    • "Pussyfooting Around": Southbird messes up the stereotypical old woman voice he uses for Grams; he ends up coughing during an unsuccessful reading of her dialogue.
    • "Santa Bird": Southbird does multiple takes for reading Shrunk's "My girlfriend is a real go-getter" line, with multiple consecutive instances of Southbird mispronouncing "go-getter" as "go-go-getter".
    • The "Kaostown" episode of Birdston: Southbird has problems setting up and pulling off the intro scene of Freya murdering Phoebe. Later, he shows Phoebe walking around KaosTown despite previously being dead.
    • "Chief and Shorty": features two Chiefs onscreen, one of them being the player character hacked to be Chief, and the other being the existing NPC Chief, who's featured in the rest of the season. Southbird accuses the NPC Chief of "ruining the illusion".
  • Corpsing:
    • In "Squirrelly Jealousy", Chief rants about car alarms' uselessness and shares an anecdote about nobody caring when his dad's car alarm went off in front of a hardware store when he was younger. Southbird, who's otherwise reading Chief's text normally with "the gravelly Chief voice", can't help but chuckle when Chief, a wolf, uses the otherwise metaphorical phrase "cry wolf" when claiming nobody takes car alarms seriously in modern times.
    • In "Chief and Shorty", an episode that's almost fully in-character, Southbird can be heard stifling back laughter when Fang says "Click here to get a reminder to check back later" after a melodramatic speech.
  • Creator Backlash: Southbird isn't fond of how "Animal Crashing" turned out after seeing the results of later Beast Intersection videos' hacking work. He and Teckworks both call it "garbage" in the KaosTown Part 1-10 commentary and Southbird's playlist recommends that new viewers start with "Bella Aqueous" or "Birthday Intervention" instead. In the "Southbird Tech: My Text Obfuscator Tool" video, he further refers to the "Animal Crashing" video as containing "YouTube comment puke" and calls it mostly nonsense, despite it having a few moments he liked.
    Southbird: "It was purely random, there was no order to it, no filtering, nothing. Just... YouTube comment puke, everywhere."
  • Meaningful Release Date: Southbird has done several special episodes on his birthday (May 20th):
    • The 2017 "Birthday Intervention" episode of KaosTown features Bird (his player character) also celebrating his birthday, with the party's guests being unimpressed.
    • The 2018 "Birth[day] of a Southbird" episode of Wolfburg features his character receiving a cake from Freya (which he suspects to have been poisoned. Then a fortune-telling session session with Katrina leads to Bird changing appearance from an oddly dressed human to looking more like Southbird's avatar.
  • What Could Have Been: Certain videos of Southbird's delve into him discussing previous plans for his series...
    • In "Southbird Tech: My Text Obfuscator Tool", he states that he considered revisiting the use of random, unfiltered YouTube comments seen in "Animal Crashing", but thought it ended up not being funny, a sentiment he ended up holding for "Animal Crashing" itself. Later videos featuring YouTube comments are edited to make the text more coherent. He also considered releasing another video using the intentional Translation Train Wreck seen in "Bella Aqueous", but considered it redundant because characters kept repeating the same mistranslated lines. While the obfuscated script is still in place in "Birthday Intervention", that episode primarily focuses on YouTube comments while using the obfuscated script as a fallback for lines that aren't from comments, and later episodes drop the Translation Train Wreck aspect completely and use the games' official scripts for lines that don't use custom text.
    • In the KaosTown Part 1-10 compilation's commentary:
      • Southbird states that there were plans to stream "Birthday Intervention" live, as with the first two episodes. It ended up being recorded offline (like every other episode after it), despite Southbird still referring to it as a stream in the video. Southbird recorded it and every episode after it offline for the sake of editing out unwanted footage, from filler to content that's inappropriate even by the standards of the series.
      • Unused footage included Scoot sharing other villagers' tendency to say lewd things, but Southbird had qualms about adding it to the full episodes, as he felt that it contradicts Scoot's more innocent Dumb Jock characterization from Vinesauce, particularly Mayor Vine. After having second thoughts about Scoot's inclusion, Southbird thinks it's for the better when he moves out offscreen.
      • Southbird originally had no plans to install New Leaf's Welcome amiibo update for the KaosTown season, as he was afraid that it would cause serious problems for his setup. He reconsidered during the mid-season hiatus, and Welcome amiibo acts as the basis for the season's second half, which features modifications to the update's new features, such as the campground.
      • Southbird considered having Harvey make repeated appearances with a random personality per episode, with the joke being that Bird doesn't notice that there's anything different. However, Southbird couldn't think of a way to do this that he thought would work well, so Harvey only appears as an "eyeless demon" retelling H. P. Lovecraft stories.
      • On a similiar note to the above, he originally planned gradually making Bird resemble his avatar in the original run via adding to his outfit, but stopped at the beak and suit of armor. This plan isn't executed until about halfway through the Wolfburg season, which is based on City Folk instead of New Leaf, and Bird's modified appearance isn't seen in New Leaf until Birdston.
  • Word of Saint Paul: In the commentary for KaosTown, Teckworks gives an explanation for Scoot's broken English (well, more broken than other villagers'): that Scoot occasionally is "speaking duck" in the series. Southbird neither confirms nor denies this.

Birdette's Satchel Creatures

  • Orphaned Reference: Southbird says Birdette already stole Hau's Raichu (now known as "Binytus") when stealing it from him on Mount Lanakila, but the previous time is never shown in any of the videos.

The Millennium Age Gate

  • Creator Backlash: In the "Southbird Tech: My Text Obfuscator Tool" video, Southbird states that Max Landis disowned the script used for the videos' text (Super Mario World (Max Landis)), but Southbird still used it because he found it amusing. In the PDF copy hosted on Landis's website, the text "This script sucks" appears more than once in large text.


  • Bonus Episode: Southbird's "Southbird Tech: My Text Obfuscator Tool" video, released in 2018, which focuses on the Tomodachi Munger tool he uses to edit game text. The tool was originally intended for randomizing text in Tomodachi Life and later used to insert custom text, both in Tomodachi Life and other games, such as Animal Crossing: New Leaf. In the same video, he says Birdette's Satchel Creatures (based on Pokémon Moon) is his favorite of the non-Animal Crossing-related videos he did and would like to revisit hacking text in Pokémon games; this resulted in further seasons of the Birdette's Satchel Creatures series, based on later games in the Pokémon series.
  • Promoted Fanboy: Teckworks drew Southbird's attention with fanart he did for Vinesauce Tomodachi Life, and was later hired to design the branding for Southbird's YouTube channel and social media pages. After making thumbnails for several of Southbird's Vinesauce videos, he started making thumbnails for all of Southbird's non-Vinesauce videos, and is the co-host of the original Beast Intersection season's Part 1-10 commentary video and the gameplay videos on Southbird's channel.
  • What Could Have Been: Southbird started working on another Vinesauce Tomodachi Life derivative using the Tomodachi Munger tool to insert YouTube comments (akin to the "Metadachi Life" video), but abandoned the idea after thinking he'd done enough with that concept and thinking the result wasn't funny enough. In the text obfuscator video, he does show some of the footage that would have been used in this video.
