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Trivia / Buster

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  • Exiled from Continuity: After Fleetway detached from the Mirror Group, the idea of Buster being Andy Capp's son, never really emphasised even before that, disappeared entirely with his dad simply not being mentioned (although his mother continued to resemble Flo).
  • Screwed by the Network: In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Fleetway ended many of their older comics such as Whizzer and Chips in order to prepare for a set of new comics for the 1990s and 2000s. However, this coincided with a buyout from Egmont, who had no interest in continuing Fleetway's humour comic lineup, opting for licensed comics instead. Not only did Egmont immediately cancel the new comics, but they also cut the budget of Buster, meaning that the comic gradually went from all-new material to consisting almost entirely of reprinted material. In the final issue, only one strip was all-new: the final page.
