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Trivia / Burger Brawl

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  • Acting for Two: Everyone is voiced by Gery doing the best impression of his friends which the characters were based on.
  • Colbert Bump: Burger Brawl leads the fans to check out the YouTube channels of the contestants and other related people, causing a boost in both views and subscribers for their small-time channels and Object Shows.
  • "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: The elimination theme songs were sung (deliberately horribly) by Roseyzy (Planty's user) for the first tune and an assortment of Gery's friends in the second.
  • Fake Nationality: Since Gery is the voice actor for everyone on Burger Brawl who are based on his real-life friends, expect him to do accents for those from non-American backgrounds such as Tippers (Spanish) and Vince (Britishnote ).
  • Role-Ending Misdemeanor:
    • Gery removed the contestant Tyce from Burger Brawl due to an uncomfortable Noodle Incident within his friend group involving the real Tyce and a cardboard cutout of his likeness taking his place onwards. However, it seems they're now on good terms since Tyce came back in "I want the weed".
      • A similar incident happened with 10Pin8 though the controversy seems to be a lot more severe such that his appearances on the show became significantly reduced and kept to a minimum whenever possible.
    • In June 2023, Gery was publicly outed for child grooming and engaging in sexual roleplay with minors after he turned 18.
  • What Could Have Been: According to the Q&As, livestreams and "Burger Brawl References/Facts" videos:
    • PK was supposed to be the host of Burger Brawl then Gery (who took over later on) before it was finally settled on Burger King.
    • Leafea, Slime and Daft Pika were to be contestants in season 1 but didn't make the cut.
    • The first challenge was supposed to be a water bottle stacking challenge before Gery changed it to something more original. This was later repurposed for "Victory will be mine"'s challenge.
    • If Tyce didn't get removed from the show, his Halloween costume in "The Night Of Burgerween..." would have been a devil just like his user's OC drawing around the time.
    • Wendys was going to be one of the three judges for "The Power."'s challenge. However, Gery couldn't find the proper full body of the mascot so she was replaced by Colonel Sanders.
    • Planty was originally gonna have a Spin-Off Talk Show called "The Monkey Show" where she interviews the eliminated contestants.
    • Joey Bishop was close to debuting had Gery handpicked both debuters but was ultimately replaced with Irish through randomization.
  • Word of God:
  • Write Who You Know: The contestants' personality traits, quirks and interests are all derived from the real-life users of the characters who are Gery's friends. Additionally, a major part of the humor is the inside jokes from said circle of friends.


  • Nethr has been the first safe in every elimination he's in except for episode 4 "The Power."
  • When they were both still in the game, Cole and Khun have never been UFE at the same time.
  • Starting from "I want the weed.", all contestants currently competing (Who isn't a rejoiner or debuter) were on the exact same team in episode 4.
  • Out of the entire cast, the only person to swear in every episode they appeared in is Nicole (That shouldn't be much of a suprise)
  • Tyce was the last contestant to appear in the episode thumbnails.
  • Hyper, PK and Gery have not undergone any asset changes throughout the show.


  • Most Challenges Won: Adventures, Nethr and Tippers (Tied at 8)
  • Most Times Up for Elimination: Hyper, Greeny and Logi (Tied at 9 episodes)
  • Most Deaths: Adventures (Obviously, 18 Deaths)
  • Most Kills: Quicksand
  • Most Votes: Brigid (775 votes)
  • Win | Lose Episode Ratio (Win Percentage)note 
    • 10 - 5 | 8 (38.5%)
    • Adventures - 8 | 7 (53.3%)
    • Brigid - 6 | 6 (50%)
    • Cole - 5 | 6 (45.5%)
    • G4J - 3 | 1 (75%)
    • Greeny - 7 | 10 (41.1%)
    • Hyper - 7 | 10 (41.1%)
    • Irish - 2 | 3 (40%)
    • Khun - 4 | 6 (40%)
    • Logi - 6 | 11 (35.3%)
    • Nethr - 9 | 8 (52.9%)
    • Nicole - 2 | 3 (40%)
    • PK - 3 | 3 (50%)
    • Planty - 2 | 5 (28.6%)
    • Quicksand - 1 | 1 (50%)
    • Razu - 3 | 4 (42.9%)
    • Redd - 2 | 2 (50%)note 
    • Space - 4 | 4 (50%)
    • Tippers - 8 | 5 (61.5%)
    • Tyce - 1 | 1 (50%)
    • Vince - 2 | 2 (50%)
