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Trivia / Bomberman Jetters

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  • Bad Export for You: While the GameCube game made it to North American shores when its source anime didn't, the theme for Bomberman Jetters, "Boku wa Gakeppuchi", was replaced with a generic rock intro. They kept the opening animation, though.
  • Late Export for You: Roughly 15 months separate the Japanese and English game releases, likely in a bid by Majesco to put more space between this game and its extremely-similar predecessor Generation.
  • No Export for You:
    • The series never got an English dub (the localized video game notwithstanding).
    • In regards to the console game, while the Nintendo Gamecube version was released in North America, the Playstation 2 version was never brought over for reasons unknown. Europe didn't receive the game in any form.
    • The Game Boy Advance games didn't release at all outside of Japan.
  • Recursive Adaptation: Bomberman is a video game series, Jetters is an anime reimagining of it, and Jetters has three video games based on it.
