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Trivia / Blake Skye Private Eye

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  • Acting for Two: The actors for Blake Skye, Mickey O'Shae, and August and Daphne Howard have done voices for multiple characters at once, even interacting with themselves, in the latest Brant Storme Halloween Special.
  • Ascended Fanon:
    • The April Fools' character, Brant Storme: Gentleman Thief, was created by a fan of the podcast. The canonical status of Brant Storme within the series proper, however, is debated.
    • Another example of this can be found in Keyzer, who began as a Noirsona given to a fan on Twitter by SJ Ryker. Through being part of the highest Patreon tier, the character and their Tantalus Theatre became a key background component within the show itself. Recently, Keyzer made a canon appearance in the miniseries Quinn's Mechanism, voiced by their Patron.
  • Ascended Meme:
    • A Brant Storme: Gentleman Thief character, Gun Gunberg, was originally a joke talked about in a Skye Mail featuring the actors for August Howard and The Rat-King. This joke was taken even further when show-runner SJ Ryker uploaded a joke recording to Patreon of August Howard asking about Daphne Howard's alternate identity in Episode 10, replacing her audio with heavily filtered audio of SJ Ryker shouting 'Gun Gunberg!'. After many Twitter memes linking Daphne Howard and Gun Gunberg, Daphne's voice actor played Gun Gunberg in the Halloween special, with the same audio filters as the joke recording.
    • Another Brant Storme: Gentleman Thief character, Prospector Howard, came about from a recording blooper from August Howard's actor during Episode 13, which was included in a Skye Mail with Mickey O'Shae's actor. A line was said in a comically Southern accent, and this accident was affectionately called 'Prospector Howard'. This character was fully realized when August's actor brought him into the improv recording for the Halloween Brant Storme special.
  • Meaningful Name:
  • Official Fan-Submitted Content: The Great Ghost was written and submitted by Tucker, creator of Brant Storme, and it has become an official piece of the canon.
  • Queer Character, Queer Actor: True for most of the cast. Examples include Gordon's voice actor being openly bisexual and Mickey's voice actor being openly non-binary.
  • Written by Cast Member: The Blake Skye: Private Eye cast is full of writers!
    • Kale B., voice of Mickey O'Shae in the main series is an example of this, having written, edited, directed, and starred in a side-story to Blake Skye: Private Eye called Quinn's Mechanism.
    • Merry B., voice of Desmond Ayer in the main series, is also an example of this, having written, edited, directed and starred in a side-story to Blake Skye: Private Eye called Transatlantic Trouble.
    • Amy Y., voice of Daphne Howard in the main series, is yet another example of this, having written, edited, directed, starred in, and composed the theme for a side-story to Blake Skye: Private Eye called Diviner in the Deep.
