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Trivia / Angelspit

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  • Dye Hard: DestroyX, who is constantly dyeing her hair. The most common version is black and white; presently, it's black and green.
    • ZooG too. Once he dyed his hair pink.
  • Throw It In!: ZooG said in an interview that during the recording of "As It Is In Heaven", one of their synths died, but they kept the noises it made in the song.
  • What Could Have Been: ZooG once said that both he and DestroyX try singing songs still in the creation process, and they usually decide whose vocals will be on the finished product later- so there exists a version of "As It Is In Heaven" with DestroyX's vocals, and a version of "Skinny Little Bitch" with him singing.
    • They recorded a video for "Let Them Eat Distortion" that never got released. It apparently involved Angelspit's best photoshoot to date and a specially-built guillotine.
