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Toilet Humour / Fan Works

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  • Since the cast of the Homestuck fancomic Alabaster: The Doomed Session features a babyfur, it does contain some references to poop and diapers... played for screams.
  • The Bolt Chronicles: Occurs several times in these stories, often at Mittens’s expense.
    • In “The Baseball Game,” Mittens eats a greasy plate of chili cheese fries just before the game’s start. The food works its way through her digestive tract quickly, causing the cat to have a bowel movement at an inopportune time.
    • In “The Cakes,” Mittens puts forth a Hurricane of Euphemisms for producing a bowel movement in Monty Python “Dead-parrot-sketch” fashion. Bolt is slow to catch on and offers up an especially unusual contribution of his own.
    • In “The Mall,” Mittens debates offering up a bowel movement to a group of teenage boys as an alternative to the fake poop they consider buying. Later, Bolt is seen in a Farcebook picture relieving himself while Mittens (who is leashed to him) comically overreacts in disgust.
    • In “The Survivor,” Mittens catches her dog friend Petey drinking from the toilet. Not having seen this before, she finds it bizarre.
    • One of Bolt’s puppy friends finds bathroom humor to be particularly funny in “The Seven.” He makes a joke about laxative use, thinking his collie friend is trying to say “Metamucil” instead of “metaphor.”
    • Bolt twice achieves Gasshole status in “The Imaginary Letters,” once after drinking soda (belching) and once after eating chili with beans. He is not amused about this, though Penny apparently finds the first instance funny. He also makes a joke about ordering a Philadelphia cheesesteak sandwich “wit” whiz, saying “Not that kind of whiz! Cheese whiz! I could have provided the other kind myself on any old fire hydrant.”
    • In “The Protection Payment,” Joey the pigeon treats his pooping on statues as art.
      Joey: Hey! I ain’t some random seagull who fancies himself an artiste just because he tags everything. I’m a modern-day pigeon Picasso here. Texture, color, thickness — a true craftsman pays attention to what he does. That work I did on the Ulysses Grant Memorial Statue in Brooklyn was a classic. It takes planning to lay down decoration so it balances out in a Fibonacci Series pattern like that.
  • The Bugger Anthology: The First Doctor's idea of a good practical joke is taking a dump in the ventilation shaft of the Daleks' night club.
  • Several Doctor Who fanfictions:
  • In Don't Cry For Me, I've Already Wilted, Akaoni yells for Kabaton to hurry up, to which Kabaton angrily responds that he's on the toilet.
  • In Harry Potter and the Vale of Destiny after Neville comments that you wouldn't want to use transfigured or conjured materials to build a house for fear of them reverting or disappearing, Harry says it would be a bad idea to be on the loo when somebody decided to make your walls disappear. Then Dean replies that it would be worse if they vanished the loo and the floor over the cesspit.
  • Given an odd justification in Heroes of the Desk. Since Hollywood Silencers are not in effect, infiltration of a building requiring usage of sniper rifles to open grates requires some kind of auditory cover and preferably in a place few people can be found. The protagonists decide to use a public bathroom for their air-vent excursions, all while it's implied someone is having a very messy sit-down in a nearby stall.
  • Hivefled; mention of the "flushed" quadrant earns comment from John, and Dave comments in turn on John's name.
  • The Loud House fanfics:
    • How Lynn Clogged the Toilet For the First Time actually has less toilet humour than the title implies, but it does have a joke about Lynn clogging the toilet (because of a bellyache no less) at the end.
    • Lincoln's Bathroom Break involves Lincoln trying to find somewhere to pee.
    • Lisa's Birth has Lucy frighten Lisa into pooping, twice (although Lisa is just a baby at that stage).
    • Mall Rats (TLH):
      • When Leni buys a romper, Lincoln wonders how you pee in it.
      • Leni remembers saying, "I like your bottom" to a boy (actually meaning his pants) and inadvertently scaring him.
      • Discussed when Lincoln and Leni want to rent a movie with toilet humour to please the gross-out fan Lana.
    • Lincoln's Memories: Preschooler Lynn is initially concerned about bathing with baby Lincoln for fear of him pooping or peeing in the tub. Thankfully, he doesn't.
    • Anger Management:
      • Lynn farts in the air vent.
      • When Lynn is trying to make Lincoln angry, she gives him Dutch ovens.
  • In The Keys Stand Alone: The Soft World, John clears out an entire motel full of people by filling all the toilets with sewage.
  • A fair bit in Knowledge is Power, but the name of Harry's new wizarding school is the most egregious example.
  • Pound and Pumpkin Cake's Adventures (and Misadventures) in Potty Training: Quite a bit of toilet humor with its Toilet Training Plot: involves the Cake twins having accidents, pooping and peeing in/on things that they shouldn't, needing the bathroom, flushing things down the toilet, and even tricking Pinkie Pie into wearing diapers.
  • In PreCure in a Nutshell, Cure Heart gets saddled with the parody name of Cure Fart.
  • Princesses Don't Potty is all about whether Nobody Poops applies to Alicorns.
  • This Bites!: Even discounting Cross's biscuit problem, there was the incident of him getting Primal Cholera that was the reason for going to Drum in this timeline, and an incident involving his face, the camel Eyelashes, and Luffy mistaking it for chocolate.
  • Twinkling in the Dark: Not wanting to admit that Joker is deathly ill, Wolfrun lies and says he's constipated instead, which grosses out Cure August.
  • The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fanfiction "Usually Filed Under Cultural Practices", has Dax and Kira as a couple who pee and talk about peeing whenever they have sex or date.
  • What Lies Beyond the Walls:
    • If Blowhorn shows up at any time, there's a very good chance a fart joke won't be far away.
    • The same story has a scene in chapter 19 where several characters start farting after eating a huge meal, and two characters end up having a Potty Failure.
