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The Sociopath / Mega Man

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  • He may be an alien supercomputer completely detached from humanity, but Ra Moon from Super Adventure Rockman is still a dyed-in-the-wool sociopath. He's manipulative, arrogant, cruel, and his ultimate plan is to kill all humans and robots on Earth so he can replace them with machines made in his image. While Dr. Wily's a piece of work himself, he at least loves his Robot Masters (or at least he did at the time). Ra Moon, on the other hand, doesn't understand love as a concept, nor does he care to understand it.
  • The Mega Man X series has quite a few of these, as you'd expect from the Darker and Edgier sequel series to the classic games.
    • A sub-race of this trope is created in the latter parts of the Mega Man X series in the form of the "New Generation Reploids", Reploids with a copy chip installed which allows them to take the form of any Reploid whose artificial DNA Data is included in the chip (and which can add more Reploids not initially included on the chip by somehow extracting the data from them during battles). The trouble is, the DNA Data of Sigma, which has fundamentally merged by now with the Maverick Virus itself, was included in all the chips save for that of a prototype called Axl. This allowed the "New Gen" Reploids to voluntarily "infect" themselves, essentially turning off their consciences at will, by accepting Sigma's twisted evolution philosophy as their core interpretation of right and wrong. Very quickly this culminated in two new Maverick outbreaks, from Mega Man X8 and Mega Man X: Command Mission, both turning out to be the results of conspiracies spearheaded by a "New Gen" Reploid looking to take over the world.
    • Sigma himself definitely fits the bill. Not so much in Mega Man X, since he's a Well-Intentioned Extremist concerned with the welfare of Reploid-kind. But from the very next game and beyond he's become a sadistic genocidal maniac obsessed with killing X and Zero by any means necessary, totally uncaring of the millions of lives he endangers in the process. That includes the Reploids he once fought for, who he shamelessly manipulates for his own ends while never genuinely caring for them outside of their functions as his tools. His Maverick Hunter X version especially counts as this because unlike his original timeline counterpart who unwillingly became evil due to being infected by Zero's Maverick Virus which corrupted him, this version of Sigma willingly became evil through his own choice.
    • Vile's a textbook example of a low-functioning sociopath. Thanks to a flaw in his circuitry, he's an unstable lunatic whose violent tendencies and knack for racking up collateral damage got him labeled as a Maverick. Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X goes even further by emphasizing his sadism, awful temper, and non-existent impulse control. No matter if it's the original timeline or the reboot, however, he had no bigger picture or noble goal in mind when he joined Sigma's rebellion. He's simply an asshole who wants to wreak as much havoc as he can, with the added bonus of terrorizing his hated rival X.
    • Double from Mega Man X4 comes off as meek and friendly for most of X's campaign. But when he heads to space to take out the leadership of Repliforce, Double turns out to be a Maverick spy running interference for Sigma, and has been manipulating X the whole time. The second he drops his bumbling nice guy shtick, he gleefully butchers a bunch of Maverick Hunters who trusted him before going after X, who he mocks for his willingness to trust others before enthusiastically attempting to kill him too.
    • Silver Horn from Mega Man X: Command Mission is a psychotic control freak who runs his prison camp like a slaughterhouse. He tortures and dismembers the prisoners under his watch purely for the fun of it, and justifies it as him putting the "slimy vermin of the world" in their place despite their only "crime" being the fact that they oppose the violent rebels he's allied with. And not only is he violent and domineering, but he's got an ego bigger than the sun, as well as a total Lack of Empathy.
  • The Mega Man Zero series has Dr. Weil, who is one of the few villains in the franchise that could qualify. Everyone's a disposable pawn to him, and he refuses to let anything that he can't control exist.
  • The Mega Man Battle Network series gives us the following:
    • Ms. Madd's a dangerous Psychopathic Womanchild with a manipulative streak. She's introduced blackmailing a government worker into helping her tamper with an entire city's water supply on threat of hurting his son, and is later encountered causing a ton of car crashes so she can trick people into buying her overpriced self-driving programs. When Lan and his Net Navi MegaMan get in her way, she decides to crash a bus and kill everyone onboard since Lan's best friend Mayl is riding it, and she's feeling spiteful.
    • Arashi Kazefuki from Mega Man Battle Network 2 definitely counts. He's an abrasive creep introduced gassing Yai, a little girl, so he can blackmail her rich parents into funneling their funds to Gospel. He knows full and well that she could die, and doesn't care at all. In fact, he's giddy at the prospect of killing her child-aged friends for getting in his way. He's also one of very few Gospel members lacking a Freudian Excuse or Heel–Face Turn, with official materials stating that he turned to crime so he could blow off steam from his job at a gas company.
    • Also from the second game, Speedy Dave's a total maniac who hides his murderous insanity beneath a mask of friendliness. His hatred for those who disrespect nature leads to him planting bombs at a populated campground with the intent of blowing up a dam and wiping out at least one city with the ensuing deluge. While he pretends to give Lan and MegaMan a chance to stop him, he secretly rigged his Navi QuickMan to detonate the bombs if they deleted him so he could kill people anyway. His bloodlust and disdain for others are complemented by an overly inflated ego and desire to lord his intellectual superiority over people.
    • Dr. Regal is not only a sociopath himself, but his ultimate plan is to turn humanity into an entire species of sociopaths. Manipulative, misanthropic, and perfectly willing to murder children or torture people to pursue his goals, Regal believes that all humans are just as vile and twisted as he is, and he seeks to corrupt them by using his Nebula Gray super-program to twist them into violent, rage-fueled shells of their former selves. He does the same with Net Navis by distributing Dark Chips, which give them a boost in power at the cost of slowly twisting them into evil berserkers.
  • The Mega Man Star Force games also has its fair-share of sociopathic villains the heroes face. In order of appearance:
    • The first game and anime has Gemini, the most evil character out of the invading FM-ians. In the games, he manipulates King Cepheus into destroying Planet AM by taking advantage of his paranoia, for no reason other than he can. He also kills his own ally, Ophiuca, when she begs for his help against Mega Man. In the anime, he plots to overthrow Cepheus, manipulating his fellow FM-ians into doing his dirty work in gathering energy for the Andromeda Key before deciding to kill them when they fail to make any progress. Some of his personality seems to have carried over to Pat as well, which leads to his undoing when Pat betrays him and sacrifices him to completely restore the Andromeda Key.
    • Gemini's host Pat also counts... or at least, his split-personality "Rey" does. As the Hyde to Pat's Jekyll, Rey is fully on-board with the FM-ians' plan to destroy Earth, and takes sickening joy out of ruining Pat's friendship with Geo while trying to manipulate his other half into hating the world as much as he does.
    • Chrys Golds is a more down-to-earth example of this trope. As Sonia's abusive manager, he's a greedy slavedriver who views her as little more than his personal cash cow, and works her to the bone while threatening to take legal action against her if she defies him. He's also got a massive sense of entitlement as well as a horrible temper, both of which lead to him flying off the handle and punching Geo, a child, when he stands up to him.
    • The second game has Gerry Romero, the director of "World Mysteries". Smug, self-absorbed, and manipulative, he takes advantage of Zack's desire to be helpful to further reinforce his Messie hoax, and locks him in a submarine when Zack discovers said hoax. Once he becomes Plesio Surf, he's willing to drown an entire village just for the sake of ratings.
    • The third game has its Big Bad, Mr. King, the leader of Dealer. In contrast to Cepheus (who was blinded by paranoia after so many people tried kill him to steal his throne) and Dr. Vega (who was driven by grief of losing the love of her life to war), King has no sympathetic or redeeming qualities, seeing everyone around him as a pawn to use and discard. He takes in orphaned children solely to use them as Child Soldiers and sends them out on suicidal missions to further his ambitions, with only Jack and Tia surviving these missions. He even forces Joker to self-destruct in an attempt to kill his enemies after the latter is defeated, and decides to destroy the world when he sees he's unable to control it.
      • The Post-Game content of the third game has Sirius, who is a surprisingly realistic sociopath. He clearly is incapable of viewing other beings as people, feels no remorse for anything, and takes genuine delight in the destruction he causes, seeing it all as a twisted game.
