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Tear Jerker / Whateley Universe

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Spoilers Off applies to all Tear Jerker pages, so all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • In Ayla and the Mad Scientist, Phase discovers that Fey's spells have been drawing Essence from nearby ecosystems, killing many of them. Fey is horrified and realizes that she may have caused horrific amounts of environmental damage.
  • Nacht meets her mother, who orders her around like a servant, demanding loyalty despite doing nothing to earn it. She mocks Kate for asking about her unknown father, and forces her to secure a magical object to learn more about him. At the end of their conversation, Nacht hugs her mother, and her mother asks why. Kate just says 'Just finding out what it was like.' It's safe to say that the Bell Witch is a huge bitch.
  • The Book Of Sappho and Murphy's Laws Of Whateley hit pretty hard by killing off two minor characters who were both pretty likeable: in the former's case, it's Heyoka, who was murdered in an attempt to frame Kayda, and in the latter's case, it's Phobos, who suffered from a fatal burnout caused by a supervillain.
  • When Imp was pregnant with her first child she was attacked, the child lived but she realized her life as a villain was too dangerous for her to have children so arranged for him to be adopted by unknowingly by a friend she trusted. Flash forward to when she works at the school and fate lets her meet him and teach him how to better use his powers. When his adopted mother brings up telling him all this Imp vetoes it saying she has long since lost the right to be his mother, and also because how finding out his mother was a super villain would mentally destroy him. It devastates her knowing this is as close as she can get to the son she never wanted to give away, and worst of all because of her own decisions
