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Tear Jerker / Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

  • As kind and well meaning as Ja'far is, all of the townsfolk hate him and blame him for literally everything including the sun going down at night. Made worse by the fact he used to be beloved by the peasantry.
  • After receiving news that his 2D department had been lethally disbanded by the Sultan, Ja'far was so devastated that he began tearing up his office out of anger. He only stopped when he rediscovered his late wife's pendant which consists of a half of the Golden Scarab.
  • Ja'far's utter devastation when he learns the other viziers really are completely corrupt and only interested in making themselves rich at the expense of the common folk.
  • The scene where Ja'far has to say goodbye to his pregnant wife as his sultan kidnaps her for his harem. He tries to protect her, but in response, he gets a whipping and his land reform bill is ignored. Ja'far comes close to rebelling against the Sultan and committing treason, because "She's my wife, dammit!" Scheherezade begs him not to throw his life away because the city needs him. She tells him his story is to be a wise vizier who will protect the people and gives him her scarab necklace, reminding him of the story of the two lovers: "We will be reunited one day, and unlock wonders beyond your wildest dreams!"
  • The Parrot in this version is Ja'far's Tragic Keepsake from his wife, along with her necklace. And the bird doesn't even appreciate him, abandoning him as soon as the opening song "Dream a Little Harder" ends.
  • During "If I Believed," you can see a single tear run down Ja'far's cheek. That one tear hits the feels, hard.
    • "Science says you're dead and gone forever. Reason says I'm talking to the air. But something in my heart, some secret hidden part, illogically insists that you are there... somewhere..."
    • "First I lost her to the Sultan. Then I lost her to heaven."
  • Ja'far for the first time ever allows himself to be selfish: he wants to use the d'jinn to bring his wife back from the dead and "turn back the sands of time". Only, we know he can't succeed at that because rule three is no reviving the dead.
  • His concern when the Captain of the Guard announces the Princess has run away. Especially when we learn later on that he is her actual father. His fears that she's in a creep's hands prove valid when the next scene reveals Aladdin "rescued" the Princess from a marketplace vendor.
  • Dylan himself tears up by the end of the title song. The music goes from major to minor while a choir rises, as he commits to rubbing the lamp and make his wishes to save the kingdom. It means he will be the villain of the story, but at least his people and the Princess will be alive to hate him.
    • "Let them twist my words, let the people scorn me! Who cares if no one will ever mourn me?"
  • Happy tears at the ending, when Ja'far and Sherrezade are finally reunited for all eternity. Scheherezade also reveals that they can see time and space, watching over their daughter forever.
    Sherrezade: I always said one-thousand and one nights wasn't enough!
  • Most of the true Disney villains' backstories:
    • The sea witch, who was the rightful and beloved ruler of the ocean until she was overthrown by her misogynistic brother who banished her to a cave, and failed her attempt to regain it back
    • A notorious one is Scar, who like the sea witch, was the rightful ruler of the pridelands and managed to end the rivalry between hyenas and lions until his brother overthrew him, who proceeded to eat his cubs and reverted his people into racists.
    • Gaston, who lost her love Belle to her kidnapper, the beast. He organized a rescue operation to save her, it was too late, as Belle developed Stockholm Syndrome and refused Gaston's help.
    • The Captain, who never knew his father and wanted to teach Peter Pan some responsibility so he couldn't end like him.
    • Averted with Cruella, as she really wanted a coat made out of puppies

  • In "The Power In Me":
    • The Princess admits she is too naive to be a ruler, and she just found her father, not wanting him to leave now that they know who each other is. She then asks tearfully how she can rule without him helping her. Ja'far tells her You Are Better Than You Think You Are, saying that the Princess has her mother's heart, and she knows her limits, which means she can always grow. Her power to show compassion and show love to someone else is what will help her rule. They say goodbye to each other, with both father and daughter promising that they will never forget each other or the lessons they learned along the way.
    Ja'far: You are kind, and that's enough.
    Princess: You're a diamond in the rough.
    • Her voice cracks on the last part, realizing she's never going to see Ja'far again.
  • The Princess attempts to make her third wish that Ja'far can stay and be her advisor forever (with the implication that she just found out about him being her father), only for Ja'far to do an unexpected Cerebus Callback to the original film ("There are some provisos, a few quid pro quo").
    • Doubles as a Fridge Tearjerker when you realize that's what the original Djinn must've told him about resurrecting his wife.
    • Her wishes are selfless: wanting to end the war peacefully, to give the Magic Kingdom a wise ruler to restore it to its Golden Age — not caring if that means she gives up her birthright— and for Ja'far to have all the happiness in the world, since she can't have him in her life. Ja'far has a So Proud of You look, if bittersweet that after he grants the wishes, he has to return to the Tiger-Head cave.
  • The fact that in the end, the Princess is alone. Her adopted father died, her biological father gave up his humanity to save her, and the guy she thought she loved ended up being a rapist jerk; the Captain of the Guard, Rajah the tiger, and the servants are whom she has left. The Princess takes it in stride while making everyone a princess, and she at least knows that Ja'far is happy thanks to her third wish. Scheherezade tells Ja'far that they can keep an eye on her, to make sure she is happy in turn.
