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Tear Jerker / The Smurfs

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For the comics:

  • When the Smurfs get tired of dealing with "The Smurfette", Jokey leads them in a vicious series of pranks that make her believe she's gained too much weight. The poor girl responds to this by nearly starving herself at dinner (while the others all talk about how GOOD it is and ask why she isn't eating), and is guilt-ridden about taking a single leaf — and after seeing herself in a trick mirror, she shuts herself away for days. And when Papa comes to check on her, he briefly fears she might have been Driven to Suicide. While she hasn't, she still cries that "I want to DIE!"
    • What makes this even worse is that this sort of thing also occurs in real life with far too many.
  • The 'party' in "The Baby Smurf", after Baby Smurf has been taken away by the stork. Even Jokey Smurf is upset.

For the Hanna-Barbera cartoon:

For the 2011 movie:

For Smurfs 2:
