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Tear Jerker / The Crumpets

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  • In "Ransoming Dad", Ma's response to Pa's sudden disappearance is despairing, especially that she discovers this in the bed they cuddled. She's unable to imagine the loss of her loving spouse and doesn't accept Li'l One as a definite replacement.
  • Li'l One in "Sticks Stink" becomes sad when it turns out the identity swap scheme with King does worse than better. Li'l One finds King sleeping with their mother, and Li'l One himself hides in a wardrobe in despair in his first birthday. He never gets to uncover the truth that King is impersonating him and stealing the video game console present.
  • The dispute between Cassandra and her mother in "Granny Strip" was pretty sensitive for both sides. Cassandra tried hard to attract Pfff by damaging her clothes and pretending to be a German girl, and this plan appeared to work. During her encounter with Ms. McBrisk in their house, McBrisk is disgusted by her rummaging through the house and being poorly dressed. Cassandra wanted to be "sexy" and is glad Pfff likes it. McBrisk abhors the "slouch", and in response Cassandra defends her motive by saying she's not a baby anymore and accuses her mother of jealousy because out of the household she has someone who likes her and McBrisk has none. McBrisk, who is a single mother, stutters a bit from hearing this insult and forces her daughter to her room. When Cassandra, who would cry in bed, is enroute, her door slam drops a framed picture of McBrisk from the wall.
  • In "Cheep Shot", Grownboy discovers that his family is serving a big quantity of birds (the ones shot by Ma's greenhouse defense Gatling gun) for dinner. Without joining to eat those birds, he leaves his childhood house and cries to their neighbor Ms. McBrisk that "All humans are evil evildoers. All except you." She comforts him as they recognize the suffering of these birds.
  • In "Family Secrets", when Ditzy's head loses the ability to float and stick on her body for the first time, she approaches her family members including Ma, all who are unwilling to resolve her problem. After Caprice complains of the noise caused by Ditzy's head dragging on the floor, Ditzy sobs and goes outside to a tree grove, only for Cassandra to arrive and respond to the problem appropriately. The impact on Ditzy is one where she revenges on her siblings by not letting them share secrets to her and hurting them.
  • Rudy Swan, in "Murder Everywhere", was an old hippie boyfriend of Granny, who said he died from being poor. His ashes were stored in an urn modeled after his head. Ditzy discovered the urn from a cupboard and poured its ashes to the sugar container by accident, and presents the urn to Caprice as a prop in her birthday party game. Rudy's psychedelic ashes were then unknowingly consumed by Pfff and Cordless in their chocolate drinks. Then Granny discovers the missing ashes and shouts over their disappearance, with Ditzy sobbing nearby and performing The Reveal to her in confession. Granny never consumes any of his ashes, which got eaten by the others, and she parts with Rudy's glasses and urn when the highest bidder of Rudy's remains claims them.
  • Granny's fake death in "A Grave Affair" isn't a legitimate passing, but she makes her supposed last words on bed and rests instantly in bed. Pa's discovery of her death state, and failing to wake her up, is jarring considering that he's her son and Granny is one of the show's most hilarious characters. Afterwards, the family has to hide her alleged death from Li'l One.
  • Pretty much Grownboy's most tragic loss of his animals is at the climax and ending of "Drive Away". Pfff and Pa ends up braking near the sleeping T-Bone on the road, then Grownboy and Steve's motorcycle and trailer crashes to their car and all of their crammed animals–rhinoceros, crocodiles, puppies, elephant, pigs, penguins, and octopus, fly to a brick wall and are cartoonishly broken to pieces after impact, except their blinking eyes. At the next scene at sunset, the deceased animals are shown to have their own funeral possession (their bodies being normal rather than in pieces inside a carriage) in a singing candlelit vigil participated by the Crumpet family, Grownboy and Steve, and their surviving giraffe.
    You're scaly, feathered, or furry
    But today you will be buried
    Bon voyage, oh dear little pets
    Up to heaven for your eternal rests.
  • Poor Pa in the beginning "Man Up!", who confronts with the possibility that Ma is interested with a masculine chainsaw-wielding man in a magazine. Her solo visit to a hardware fair doesn't help either.
  • In a brief emotional scene in "Inside Li'l One's Brain", Ma tries to retrieve Pa out of their son's brain with her machine. She pulls in a deceased copy of Pa wearing the bracelet. She tries to hug him, but the body disappears and the bracelet is intact along with her. She transmits the bracelet back but inadvertently exchanges it for one of the eerily talking pigs from the brain that also fades away. She gets teary-eyed and emotional at the possibility of Pa being lost forever, until she decides to transmit a letter to him where she asks him to return to the Do Not Disturb room.
  • "Marilyn Blues": During the goodbye ceremony against the mysteriously absent and allegedly traitorous Marylin, Caprice finds his pet mouse and orders the twins to capture it. After the mouse flees, Cassie defends the innocent creature at the cost of Caprice accusing her for siding with Marylin, followed by Cassie running away sobbing.
  • "Odeurs corp": While qualifying as a disgusting scene (under rather emotional Background Music), Cordless passes wind while playing an arcade game, except that it's odorless since he had tried one of the body odor-eliminating pills he created with Caprice and Cassie for the girls to sell. He admits no longer smelling the sense of conquest at his video game. He also decides to create an antidote on the pills' effects.
  • "Quotient H": Cassie becomes isolated from her friends in the aftermath of Cordless' IQ test. Due to receiving the lowest score despite her intelligence, and her friends taking the results as truth, it's sad to see her confronting her friends' excuses for not wanting to interact with her. Cassie even begins to doubt her own intelligence, which exacerbates once her mother corrects her on the placement of eating utensils.
  • "50 nuances de Cassie", one of the most intense episodes, entails Cassie's growing division from her friends. It gets effectiv at the scene she plays an African drum as a new hobby while ignoring Caprice's phone call. Then there's her breakup from Pfff, who pleads with her to return to her old self.
