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Tear Jerker / Tenchi Muyo!

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  • In "No Need For Memories" in Universe, Tenchi remembers the day that began his Missing Mom. Breaking into tears, he is embraced by an equally heartbroken Nobuyuki.
  • In Universe, Ryoko is mortally wounded and keeps it a secret from Tenchi (even when hugging him goodbye), flies him into Jurai's defence zone, drops him off at the palace, but cannot go on due to blood loss. She pretends she won't go to rescue Ayeka with Tenchi and leaves in her ship. Later she dies of blood loss in the cockpit with an odd smile... Ouch.
    • The only one to see this is Ryo-Ohki. :(
    Ryo-Ohki: Meoooow...
    • She got better, somehow.
  • The Yakage arc in the No Need For Tenchi manga.
  • During the "Dark Washu" arc of the Shin Tenchi Muyo manga, the titular character gets Hijacked By Doctor Clay and becomes a villain, forcing Washu into a Sadistic Choice: brainwash the others into forgetting her and face her Evil Counterpart alone, or see them get repeatedly attacked. Washu chooses to wipe the others' memory, despite Tenchi being right there when she makes the decision and begging her not to go through with it.
    • This leads to another painful moment when Minagi runs into Washu and Ryo-Ohki, who ignore her and she runs off to tell the others, only to find out that they have no idea who Minagi's talking about. She's quite distraught that they forgot about Washu until they start thinking harder.
  • In "No Need For Ghosts" in Universe, Sasami befriends a ghost girl named Mirei and spends time playing with her in an illusory world alongside Ryo-Ohki. She eventually realizes she has to return to her friends and family and apologizes to her new friend, but Mirei says she's just happy to have a happy memory to cherish, as she's been dead for so long she doesn't even remember her previous life. The episode closes on a photo of Mirei sitting all alone, but it changes to having Sasami and Ryo-Ohki with her, all of them laughing.
  • Basically any time this track plays, a tear jerker is very close by.
  • Manly tears were shed at the end of the first movie.
  • The second movie with Ryoko and Mayuka fighting. The tension reaches its climax with Tenchi slapping Ryoko in the face. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE in the room was shocked. Tenchi was also horrified as he never raised his hand on any of the girls before. Special mention goes to Ayeka who really felt it as she covers her face.
    • Not long after, Ayeka finding Ryoko alone and depressed. The two share a tender moment where they talk about how Tenchi might fall in love with someone else. If that ever happens Ayeka tells herself she would just go home without making a fuss before breaking down into tears. Ryoko tearfully reassures her that Tenchi would never leave her.
    • Mayuka's death. Ryoko and Tenchi looks away as she fades away, while Sasami cries in Tenchi's arms as she was helpless to save her friend.
    • As much of a monster as Yuzuha is, her actions was was driven by her love for Yosho.
