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Tear Jerker / Respect

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Given how fics involving Puella Magi Madoka Magica tend to turn out, a lot of tears can be shed.

  • We see Yayoi's sketch being destroyed by the resident Alpha Bitch; her just sitting there silently sobbing in shock after so many times of this is...good lord.
  • We see her fail to save someone from dying; she had tried to save an upperclassman from Wolfrun only to find her body cold and dead after defeating the Witch
  • Her reaction to accidentally killing the Alpha Bitch; it was the very first time she had actually killed someone, and it is absolutely heartwrenching.
  • By the time of the final chapter, we finally we see her slowly becoming more and more paranoid for her crimes. She ultimately ends up falling into her despair and becoming Izabel, the Artist Witch from early in episode 10 of Puella Magi Madoka Magica...and it is implied there is next to nothing left of her humanity by then.
