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Tear Jerker / Mega Man (Ruby-Spears)

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  • Near the end of "Bro Bots", Mega Man saves Proto Man's life during their fight, despite the latter betraying him and his family after pretending to be good. After a corny line, Proto Man grows serious and asks if he's getting sentimental. Mega responds that he owed Proto for telling him about the scrambler chip he'd placed on him, and now they were even. Then sad music starts playing as Proto Man leaves to rejoin Wily.
    • Not only that, but Proto Man punched through a glass window as he made his escape. The shards became embedded in the now-cooling lava, and you saw Mega Man in their reflection. Not moving to stop Proto Man. Just standing there, staring at where his brother left...
      Proto Man: Until next time, bro.
      Mega Man: (bitterly) Yeah. Until next time... bro.
  • Another was in the episode "Mega-Pinocchio". After believing he was turned into a human, Mega Man failed to stop Gutsman and Cutman, taking the blame for letting them get away. It was really Wily toying with his mind that made him hesitate, but Mega was unaware of this. He ended up talking to Dr. Light about it, which resulted in the following lines.
    Light: Don't be upset, Mega. Failure is a human quality. But we humans learn from our mistakes.
    Mega Man: I one of your mistakes?
  • After playing Mega Man 10, the scene in "Robosaur Park" with Mega and Roll arguing over who should take the antidote becomes a lot sadder. In both scenarios, Roll gives the same reason that Mega Man should take it. She couldn't stop Wily. He could.
