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Tear Jerker / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future

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  • Kakoyin's Arcade Mode ending: He manages to defeat DIO, but is mortally wounded by him in the process. He tells Jotaro and Joseph that he's fine on the flight back to Japan, but passes away shortly thereafter, telling Avdol and Iggy that he would be joining them soon. Jotaro's reaction to Kakyoin's death in the last moments of the ending makes it all the sadder...
    • The ending for "New" Kakyoin is basically the same as his canon fate, being punched in the gut by The World and using his last moments to leave a Dying Clue to Joseph about the nature of DIO's powers. It's just as heart-wrenching as it was in the manga, with the added detail of the Speedwagon Foundation transporting his corpse to Japan making it worse.
    • Even Kakyoin's theme counts. While it does keep the epic and elegant theme and is considered one of, if not the most awesome track in the game, it's also downright melancholic compared to the one Kakyoin got for the Stardust Crusaders anime, befitting for the tragic life he had lived prior to his death.
  • Young Joseph's super attack, Unforgettable Memories, which has images of Caesar from Battle Tendency appear in the background while he shouts out his name. (Epilepsy warning for the preceding link.)
