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Tear Jerker / iCarly

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Original Series

  • In "iWant a World Record", when Carly, Sam, and Freddie's chances of achieving said world record are abruptly snatched away by the power cutting off.
  • In "iGot a Hot Room", Carly's bedroom burns down due to the gummy bear lamp Spencer made for her. The only time the Epic Fail trope is played for something serious on the show. It's truly heartwrenching because Carly was really upset, and a lot of her things were destroyed.
    • The look on Spencer's face when he realizes he's gone too far. Sam feels sorry for her best friend, and even Freddie is choking up, and the music playing make that scene one giant Tear Jerker.
  • iChristmas.
  • Carly's emotional breakdown when she realizes that she misses her old life and wants things back the way they were. Her weeping in the dark gloomy hallway was a true Tear Jerker.
  • The last half in one way or another.
  • Spencer's reaction to Carly getting mad at him the presents catching fire. He's clearly guilty, but nothing he says can undo all the damage caused by the tree.
  • iQuit iCarly. The near death experience Carly has on the window washer's platform on the exterior of the highrise 20 floors up, being saved by Sam, Spencer and Freddie, and realizing what they've been through in the episode...their reaction says it all.
    • And then they're so terrified, traumatized and in shock after that harrowing near death experience that they just turn to each other and start weeping and hugging each other.
  • Freddie in iSaved Your Life. After spending the first 2 seasons suffering from a one-sided unrequited crush, he finally gets Carly to become enamored with him, but at the cost of sacrificing himself in front of a food truck. The couple looked so happy and cute together, until Sam got into his head with the foreign bacon theory, that Carly doesn't really love him personally but merely admires his heroism and delighted by the fact that he just risked his life to rescue her. You can tell he's uncomfortable with the plight, and that even kissing Carly feels like he's doing the wrong thing. The way he nervously backs out, and then his remorseful "What did I do" second doubts introspection (And even shouting it again in the extended version of the episode). That whole episode cemented both Freddie's woobie status, as he just cannot catch a break (even from his own conscience), and cemented just how strong his convictions are. But still, poor guy.
  • iPsycho: When Gibby is sad about being too old to go camping, he mentions that one of the things he'll do in the meantime is watch reruns of Diff'rent Strokes. Note that this episode aired exactly a week after Gary Coleman's passing and even the audience track seemed more real at that moment as did how everyone felt about his passing.
  • iDo: Carly singing her song Shakespeare to Jodi after Gordon finds himself unable to.
  • iPity the Nevel. No intervention of lame background jokes, not even the bad-punchline conclusion of that episode, can take away the power of suddenly finding a guilty conscience in Nevel... and especially seeing the heartfelt, truly emotional reconciliation between Nevel and the little girl he had spazzed on.
  • Freddie's speech to Sam at the end of iOMG.
    • And her subsequent reaction.
  • Carly having her heart broken by Steven in iParty With Victorious.
  • iWanna Stay With Spencer: Carly and Spencer's farewell. And the when the whole Carly going away thing gets cancelled, as Grandpa Shay sees how much Spencer cares about Carly.
  • In iCook, this small scene happens.
    Spencer: Sorry, I was just... waiting for someone.
    Employee: Who?
    Spencer: Nothing, it was stupid... I'm gonna... I'll just... Good night.
    • Which brings tears of joy when Nug-Nug shows up and he and Spencer hug.
  • In iParty With Victorious:
    (After it is revealed that Steven is cheating on Carly.)
    Carly: Steven told me I'm one of a kind!
    • This also hits a little harder when you realise that Sam doesn't have a deadbeat dad like this line usually implies. She has a dad who escaped an abusive partner.
  • iLove You. Carly informs Spencer and Jenna that their dating is abnormal. We then see that Sam is eavesdropping on the conversation with Freddie. Carly informs that they are taking the platonic connection they have and trying to force it into an abusively toxic and turbulent love-hate dysfunctional relationship that just doesn't work because it's destructive. Sam get in the elevator with Freddie, and she stops it to ask Freddie if they doing the same thing as Jenna and Spencer. Sam thinks the kiss was merely "intense" claiming the two don't click that way. Then they talk about how each other is not suited for the other. Freddie is too normal for Sam, and Sam is too abnormal for Freddie. They then realize they have broken up. Sam then un-pauses the elevator and it lands in the apartment, where Sam tells him that she loves him (in an abusively twisted way. There's a Beat. And they kiss. They decide to break up at midnight because it's only 10:30. The episode ends as they kiss again before the elevator closes.
  • iStill Psycho, having no other means of escape, the iCarly gang shock Freddie to disable to tracking chip in his head to trigger an alarm to get Mrs. Benson to come save them. Mrs. Benson is absolutely terrified when she gets the alarm, scared that the Ax-Crazy Nora may have done something to Freddie.
  • iGoodbye:
    • Spencer and Sam in this episode is a non-stop tearjerker, culminating with the moment Spencer tells Sam about how great she is, and gives her the motorcycle that they spent the entire time working on.
      • Fridge tearjerker when you watch #YayDay in Sam & Cat and you realize Sam has never had a good gift from anyone. Although Jennette McCurdy had filmed that episode for her show over a year later, her reaction in this episode to getting the motorcycle fits very well with what we find out about her in the future.
    • Carly goes upstairs to the studio, knowing she's flying out to Italy soon. Upon realizing her feelings for Freddie, she places her hand on his, stopping him in his tracks. Carly kisses him and Freddie returns the kiss.
    • "And this has been... iCarly." Oh, boy, here comes the waterworks...
    • The entire episode, especially the last few minutes where Carly sits on the plane, about to take off for Italy, watching the very first iCarly stream, and Spencer, Freddie and Sam all thinking back on how they all started iCarly in the first place. ESPECIALLY the moment right before the episode ends, with an overlay of Freddie saying "And...we're clear."
    • Spencer and Carly's final interaction while she's packing her bags in her bedroom. Might not mean much to some, but as a big brother... Well, let's take a moment and remember that this guy practically raised her for five years. Remember all of the moments she got mad at him, angrily berated him yet they reconciled, and all of the quirky little moments they shared. They took care of each other. Arguably one of the sweetest brother-sister relationships on television. And when Spencer tries to bid farewell to his little sister... she tells him not to, because it'd be too emotional. He does it anyway, and...well, I had trouble seeing through the flood of tears.
