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Tear Jerker / Europa Universalis

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  • Being completely annexed by an enemy nation after losing a war. Not only does your game end, but your people lose their independence - possibly forever. There's also the risk that their new ruler will force them to abandon their religion or culture.
  • Events relating to family can become this.
    • The event where the Queen has an affair with one of the advisers. It especially stings if you refused to cheat on her even when doing so would have given you an heir, if marrying her came with great sacrifice, or if previous events suggested a happy marriage. If you're Catholic, there is a chance Pope refuses to annul your marriage, leaving you trapped with the person who broke your heart until one of you dies.
    • The event where your heir falls gravely ill. Spending a lot of ducats on a physician only has a 50% chance of saving your heir's life, and if you can't afford that then the only other option is to pray.
    • The event where your heir dies in a hunting accident, and your ruler is presented their corpse in a bloodstained shirt. Your ruler can cope with this either by seeking solace in religion (building a free temple in a random province) or by having an affair (gaining a new heir with low legitimacy). In-Universe with another variant, where the ruler either callously dismisses it for a cost of ten prestige, or breaks down crying.
      Sorrow overtakes you.
      Lose 1 stability
      • Becomes a Player Punch as well if your heir had very good stats.
    • If your Queen dies, and your ruler doesn't remarry, then you can get an event where your ruler is still in grief years later. It can be bittersweet if the court decides to spend some of the treasury funds to build a statue of the late Queen to help the King cope.
    • Even the rulers of Republics are not immune to family tragedy. There's one event where your son is being tried for corruption, and you know he is guilty. Given the era this game takes place in, the son probably faces a harsh punishment - possibly even execution. If you don't pardon your son, then your ruler ends up hiding away from the public out of shame.
  • If you lost a lot of manpower during a war, then you might receive an event related to this. Your ruler, while riding through the countryside, sees everywhere he looks broken families coping with the loss of loved-ones.
  • Years after a war, you might get an event where your ruler finds in their courtyard a memorial to that war and reflects on the lives lost in it.
