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Tear Jerker / Bewitched

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  • Some of the episodes featuring Aunt Clara involve this: most of the time, her advanced age and resulting tendency to have spells go awry is played for laughs, but occasionally, things took a much sadder tone.
    • In "Samantha Meets the Folks," Aunt Clara, seeing Samantha struggle to impress her in-laws, uses her magic to conjure up a fantastic dinner. This makes Darrin's mother feel unneeded, and she's rather vocal about her complaints. Darrin speaks to Aunt Clara, who acts in her typical doddering way with him...but when he leaves, she quietly takes up her handbag and prepares to go, looking extremely sad. It's implied that some of her senility is an act, and that she's actually extremely sensitive about her problem. Thankfully, it all turns out all right in the end.
    • In "There's No Witch Like an Old Witch," Aunt Clara finds herself babysitting some of Darrin and Samantha's neighbors' children for a while. She uses her abilities to perform some simple spells—mostly animating, repairing, and conjuring toys—which makes all of the children adore her, and clamor for her to babysit more; she, in turn, loves the job and the children she's taking care of. Eventually, though, the neighborhood mothers get suspicious, especially when Aunt Clara starts telling the children that she's a witch; kids being kids, they accept it as a game. The women decide to force Aunt Clara to go to a judge for a competency hearing; while there, she delivers simple but beautiful sentiments about the nature of childhood, and how deep down, she only wants to make children happy, considering what a dreary place the adult world can be. The judge, moved, not only declares Clara competent, but asks her to babysit his own son. As in the above example, seeing a genuinely sweet, kind old lady insulted and treated as either a lunatic or unfit for society is painful.
