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Tear Jerker / American Pie

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While American Pie is nonetheless a sex comedy series, they at least have a few sad moments here and there.

American Pie

  • (Pictured) After Finch's plan to score a girl before prom blows up in his face, while the other guys are picking out tuxedos, Finch just sits by himself looking well and truly beaten.
  • Kevin and Vicky reconnect and consummate their relationship, only for Vicky to break up with Kevin upon realizing that this would be as good as it will ever get for them.
  • After Nadia gets sent away as the result of being livestreamed over the Internet, Jim is shown staring at the empty desk she once occupied. While it was entirely of his own doing, it's hard not to feel bad for him after his humiliation.

American Pie 2

  • After Michelle helps Jim hookup with Nadia by pretend-breaking up with him, the sad look on her face indicates that she's truly in love with Jim.
    • Right before that, you can tell by the way she asks Jim if getting with Nadia really means that much to him in an uncharacteristically sombre tone of voice that this wasn't just a Love Epiphany. She's fully aware of her feelings and is hoping that Jim might give her an opening. Upon rewatching, it makes the moment where she pretends to lose her temper while going on about how much of a stud he is sound more sincere than Jim realized in that moment.
  • At the summer party, Kevin sees Vicky with a new guy and just cracks upon realizing that she's well and truly over him. He later tells the other guys that he never got over Vicki and isn't coping with the fact that everyone he knew from high school will eventually move on without him.

American Wedding

  • If the film is anything to go by, Kevin may have been right to be anxious. While he did get a new girlfriend, she never appears during the bachelor party or the wedding, hinting that Kevin's own growth is taking him away from his friends.
    • During Reunion he even admits that he usually has to choose between time with his wife and time with his friends.

American Reunion

  • When we learn Mrs. Levenstein (Jim's Mom) had passed away between American Wedding and Reunion and how it's affected Noah (Jim's Dad).
  • Dr. Ron's nasty side is revealed in the harshest way possible. He finds footage of the time Oz made a fool of himself on Celebrity Dance-Off and plays it in front of the entire class of '99, not stopping even when he sees how uncomfortable it made Oz.
    • Moments later, it becomes clear that the reason Oz did it in the first place was because he had just broken up with Heather at the time and was going through a phase of bad decisions out of grief.
  • Stifler's reunion house party is a harsh reality check: Jim and Michelle's marriage is shaken, Finch gets arrested and his cool-guy image is revealed to be a lie, Vicky gives Kevin the cold shoulder after he mistakenly assumes she was trying to have an affair with him, and Stifler finds out that nobody ever really liked him.
