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Tabletop Game / Love Letter

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Can you get a letter to the princess or remove all your rivals? You win either way!

Love Letter is a card game for 2-4 players by Seiji Kanai, published by Alderac Entertainment Group. Love Letter: Premium Edition can be played with up to 8 players, and includes additional cards that are used only in games with 5-8 players.

Your goal is to get your love letter into Princess Annette's hands while deflecting the letters from competing suitors. Each round, one card is removed from the deck of only 16 cards (32 cards with 5-8 players). One card is dealt to each player. On your turn, you draw one card then play one card, trying to expose others and eliminate them from the round. At the end of the round, the remaining player with the highest card in hand wins a Token of Affection from Princess Annette. If you win enough tokens (representing love letters actually read by the princess), then you win the princess’ heart and the game.

This game provides examples of:

  • Awesome, but Impractical: The Princess card is the highest card, but if you play/discard it, you are eliminated from the round, which limits your options and makes you a target. The Countess card is the second highest card, but must be discarded if the other card in your hand is a Prince or King, and has no other effect.
  • Counter-Attack: If you hold the Assassin card note  in your hand when another player plays a Guard card against you, then that player is eliminated.
  • Defend Command: Playing the Handmaid prevents other players from targeting you until after your next turn.
  • Everyone Has a Special Move: Each card represents someone in the royal residence, and each character has a different effect when that card is played.
  • Extrinsic Go-First Rule: The player who most recently went on a date starts. If there is a tie, the youngest player wins the tie.
  • Instant-Win Condition: If you have played the Constable card note , then any play that eliminates you from that round (like playing the Princess card) immediately gives you a Token of Affection.
  • Player Elimination: There are several ways to be eliminated from a round:
    • playing/discarding the Princess card
    • having a lower card when the Baron card forces a hand comparison
    • having a higher card when the Dowager Queen card note  forces a hand comparison
    • having a Guard card played on you, and the other player correctly guesses your card
    • playing a Guard card on a character who holds the Assassin card note 
  • Updated Re Release: Love Letter: Premium Edition can be played with up to 8 players, and includes additional cards that are used only in games with 5-8 players.
