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Stuff Blowing Up / Walker, Texas Ranger

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Walker, Texas Ranger is loaded with all sorts of action, from the chases to the fight scenes, we can expect to see A LOT of Stuff Blowing Up, especially if some kind of Self-Destruct Mechanism is involved.

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    Season One 
    Season Two 
    Season Three 
  • "War Zone": Part 1 has Clete Gibson's home being blown to smithereens after Walker and Trivette find his corpse hanging in his living room, which turned out to be a booby trap Bolton and his gang set up. Part 2 has Walker and Trivette planning to lure Bolton into a trap, and when they summon the rest of the DPS for reinforcements, they blow up the car Bolton used in the ambush.
    Season Four 
  • Blown Apart: Max Kale, a mad bomber, goes on a killing spree against the people responsible for imprisoning him, with Walker at the end of his list.
    Season Five 
  • "The Brotherhood": Dirty Cops Horne, Foster and Ross plant a bomb on a prison bus loaded with inmates set for release and blast it to smithereens, killing the guards and inmates onboard. Only the driver survives the explosion, suffering third-degree burns.

    Season Six 
  • "Iceman": Walker and Trivette trail the mad bomber Maxwell "The Iceman" Kronert.
  • "Warriors": During the final fight scene with the genetic superhuman being created by a group of conspirators who kidnapped Dr. Susan Lee, and later her son, Davey, to use their DNA to create him, Lee comes to Walker's aid after the group is arrested and splashes their superhuman warrior with kerosene, and then sets him on fire with a blowtorch, giving Walker an opening to kick him out the window into a storage bay of gasoline barrels below, where he meets his fiery end.
  • "The Soul of Winter": Armed with remote-controlled detonators, Gorman's crew blows up several vehicles belonging to the First Christian Church's parishioners, including Roscoe's.
  • "Circle of Life": Two of the Sentinel Systems Halfway House's residents are killed this way while being pursued by Walker and Trivette after a bartender heard about their involvement in the Diamond Mart robbery. J.T. Hopkins and Little John Mulkey were the intended victims, and as the two try to outspeed the Rangers, they find themselves caught in the path of a speeding semi, which obliterates their getaway car. Cue a Big "NO!" from Hopkins mere seconds before the collision!
  • "Test of Faith": During the cold opening while Walker and Trivette are chasing a trio of bank robbers, the robbers try to kill the duo by luring them into a gas station and setting it ablaze. The two Rangers survive, as does Walker's truck without so much as a scratch.

    Season Seven 
  • "": Walker, Trivette and Alex successfully trace the location of where the women were held, but Harris, Iverson and all the rest of the gang had already fled along with the women, including Kristin, since they caught on to their cover. They were expecting Walker and Trivette to come, so they've planted a bomb in the warehouse. Walker quickly discovers it and the two escape the building in time before it explodes.

    Season Eight 
  • "A Matter of Faith": During a confrontation between a former gang member turned youth pastor and a member of said gang who seriously injured the pastor the youth pastor works for during a robbery; a couple rushing to the hospital so the wife could give birth ends up in an accident just as Walker and Trivette convince the youth pastor not to throw his life away in the name of revenge, with the car leaking gasoline on some Christmas lights. The couple end up being rescued just before the car explodes, though the woman ends up giving birth outside near an outdoor manger scene.

    Season Nine 
  • "Home of the Brave": A corrupt landlord's minion blows up the furnace to try to make it look like an accident so he can collect the insurance money from his collapsed property.
  • "Faith": In their search for a gang of bank robbers who stole an ambulance containing a donor liver needed to save a young girl's life, Walker and Trivette find the robbers, rescue the kidnapped paramedic and recover the liver. While Walker takes the liver to the hospital, Trivette and the kidnapped paramedic chase down the robbers in the ambulance, where said robbers eventually lose control of their car and meet a fiery end.
  • "6 Hours": A Dallas billionaire's daughter has been kidnapped by her traitorous bodyguard after an awards banquet is crashed by hired gunmen. The cruiser carrying the two banquet gunman the Rangers arrested is blown up by William Borla before they are brought in to be interrogated. Gage and Sydney barely avoided the explosion while escorting the cruiser back to HQ.
  • "Legends": Abe Steigler, the judge who is responsible for imprisoning noted Dallas mobster Samuel Viscardi, is killed when his office is spread with unodorized propane. Fire inspectors first suspected that someone was painting the room and left a couple of cans of turpentine open and the windows closed and the fumes ignited, until a full arson investigation proved otherwise, prompting the Rangers to search the oil refineries and gas plants in the Dallas area for the people responsible for the hit. Only Trivette is successful at finding them.
  • "Unsafe Speed":
    • In the prologue, Boyd Scranton, an unqualified trucker en route to Cincinnati, kills a family that broke down on the road; the mother and child were inside the minivan while the father was changing a tire. After Scranton gets his supply of crystal meth from Deke Trumbull, his judgement becomes impaired and his vision becomes blurry, upon which he hits their minivan, causing it to go up in flames. The family was prepared and left out flares to signify a breakdown. Walker and Trivette show up the next morning and get the full details from Trooper Freels, triggering the investigation.
    • Also in the prologue, a rival meth lab is blown to smithereens by the Raptors after they raid it and destroy it with Molotov Cocktails.
    • When Vander, a trucker who was refused service by Deke Trumbull, who'd been arrested earlier by the Rangers, blows Gage and Sydney's cover after recognizing the former through his disguise, Bolger decides to kill Gage while Grangus deals with Sydney. Walker and Trivette recognize Vander at the checkpoint and quickly realize Gage and Sydney are in trouble, upon which they stop Bolger from killing Gage in time, and while Trivette apprehends him, Darby and the rest of the dealers, Grangus leaves Sydney to die in the meth lab, but Walker and Gage arrive in time and free her before the bomb goes off. In addition to freeing Sydney before the lab blew up, they didn't want Grangus to get killed, neither.
  • "Without a Sound": At the start of the episode, when Gage tries to stop Skull and his gang from killing his former girlfriend and stealing her car, the blast causes him to lose his hearing, kicking off the episode's plot.
  • "The Final Show/Down, Parts 1 and 2"
    • Trivette's car is bombed by Lavocat and he ends up hospitalized.
    • Lavocat meets his end after a final one-on-one duel with Walker, where the latter reveals to have removed the pin from the grenade attached to the former's belt.
