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Shout Out / Splinter Cell
aka: Splinter Cell Blacklist

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Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

  • During the train mission in Pandora Tomorrow, Soth quotes Dr. Strangelove during his phone call with Sadono:
    "Mein Gott, I can valk!"
  • In the same mission, when Lambert calls Sam to let him know how to pick out Soth from the other mercenaries, Brunton points out that his right leg "has more prosthetics in it than Lee Majors".

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

  • At one point, Fisher jokingly claims to be Harry Tuttle while interrogating a guard about a building's ventilation system. The guard doesn't get the joke, but his final comment is "And don't forget to fill out your 267B stoke 6!" in reference to Brazil's 27B/6 form.
  • A surprising one when eavesdropping on the meeting in the bathhouse. "Kaneda!" "Tetsuo!"
  • One of the conversations between Sam and Grim leads to a Half-Life reference.
    Sam: I didn't bring my crowbar.
    Grim: Whatever, crowbars are for geeky video game characters.
  • At one point, two guards can be heard discussing the new Prince of Persia game (presumably The Two Thrones, which was released in 2005, the same year as Chaos Theory), and saying how awesome it looks. Unsurprisingly, Prince of Persia is developed by Ubisoft.
  • When you are grabbing and interrogating a guard during the last level, he states that he can't be shaken down for ammunition which is common practise in another stealth series.
  • In a level focused on infiltrating urban indoors areas, there are TV screens seemingly playing footage screenshots and music from Pandora Tomorrow, the previous game in the series.

Splinter Cell: Conviction

  • The lockdown protocol for Third Echelon is 23-19.
  • Many of Conviction's plot points bear a strong resemblance to those used in 24, as pointed out at the end of this.

Splinter Cell: Blacklist:

  • One of the custom goggle mods (requires unlocking via Uplay) gives Sam teal-colored equipment, labeled "Ghost Blue".

Alternative Title(s): Splinter Cell 1, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, Splinter Cell Conviction, Splinter Cell Blacklist, Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
