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Shameful Strip / Comic Books

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  • Amalgam Universe: In one issue of the Marvel and DC's amalgam universe when Princess Diana is captured by Thanoseid minions she has her black jacket stripped off, leaving her in her black bra for the rest of the issue.
  • Barracuda: When Dona Emilia is being sold as a slave in "Slaves", the crowd demands to see what they're buying, so the slavers rip her top off.
  • Firestorm: Firestorm did this to the villainess Plastique when he used his power to de-atomize her clothes so he could get the bombs that were attached to her and dispose of them safely somewhere else, leaving the beautiful red-haired villainess completely naked and humiliated in public (and played for laughs, no less, even though her Naked Freak-Out is more or less off-camera). Also a very cruel example of Naked People Are Funny as Plastique's would-be victims start laughing at the hapless villainess as she tries to cover herself, as well as a reverse of Naked People Trapped Outside. Considering that she had just tried to murder them in a Suicide Attack, you could say she has it coming.
  • Lady S: After capturing the heroine, the bad guys (including a woman) order her to strip so she won't try to run away in the streets. It doesn't work as she's a Shameless Fanservice Girl; she doesn't try to cover herself while running away (keeping her underwear on may have helped).
  • Ms. Marvel: In Ms. Marvel (2006) #32, set before she gained her superpowers, Carol is stripped to her underwear when she was held captive by Ghazi Rashid in Afghanistan.
  • New Avengers:
    • In the very first arc, the team is captured while doing some investigating in the Savage Land and all stripped naked. Spider-Woman notes how humiliating it is and wishes that their captors could have at least let them keep their undergarments, though Spider-Man responds that he doesn't wear any anyway when in costume since it makes him chafe.
    • In New Avengers Annual #3, Clint Barton (usually Hawkeye but Ronin at the time) awakes from a botched attempt to kill Norman Osborn stark naked and bound to a chair, with Norman and the evil Dark Avengers (one of whom is female) sneering at him. He spends most of the issue chained naked to a table as Norman has Mentallo psychically torture him.
  • Proposition Player: Seen in the Vertigo Comics limited series, where a villain discusses the finer points of this technique — when to strip the captives by force, and when to make them strip themselves.
  • Raptors: The council leader orders Vicky to be stripped of her clothes since he declared that humanity will be henceforth treated like animals in a zoo.
  • Requiem Vampire Knight: The protagonist does it to a villain when Requiem forces Claudia to remove her ballgown at gunpoint so his love interest Rebecca can disguise herself with it.
  • She-Hulk: In The Sensational She-Hulk Graphic Novel #18, She-Hulk is forced to strip after being captured by semi-rogue S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Subverted in that she's found great confidence and positive self-image in her She-Hulk form. She even drops her (already Fanservice-y) outfit on the floor and asks "Okay, bright boys, now what? Maybe you'd like me to jump rope for you?" (Of course, her boyfriend, Wyatt, who is also being held hostage, is clearly not amused by it any of it, and neither is Dugan when he shows up in the next scene.)
  • X-23: In X-23: Innocence Lost, after Rice sends X-23 on an off-books mission to kill Martin Sutter, his wife, and son (who's actually Rice's son from an affair with Sutter's wife), upon their return to the Facility, Rice strips X down, burns her clothing, and blasts her with a firehose to clean up any evidence of his actions. In addition to hiding his crime, Rice's callous treatment is just another part of his denial of X-23's humanity.
