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Series / Zero Hero

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"With zero power comes greater responsibility!"
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Zero Hero is a Singaporean superhero-comedy series that launched in 2010 and ended after 3 seasons and a movie.

The show revolves around The Magnificent Heroes, the superpowered defenders of Singapore and superpowered family consisting of Mister Hero (Timothy Nga), Lady Magnificent (Vernetta Lopez), Brainy Boy (Xander Pang), Dynamix (Charlotte Clarke) and Disappearing Daddy (Moses Lim). Evil-doers don't stand a chance against them...that is until one fateful day, a fallen meteor mysteriously took all the family's superpowers away.

The now-powerless Wong family consisting of recently-fired reporter turned gardener Lenny, overworked school teacher Mimi, academically-struggling Jeremy, unpopular Abigail and permanently invisible Grandpa, have to face their biggest challenge yet, living like average citizens. The struggles are endless, homework, rudeness, pollution, busybody neighbours, bullying, peer pressure, relationships, the list goes on. And as if that's not enough, supervillains from their past emerge on a weekly basis and it’s up to our super-zeroes to stop them.

This show contains the following tropes

  • Alliterative Name: What's more catchy than making your superhero or villain name start with the same letternote 
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Captain Justice can singlehandedly take down multiple foes at once. However, the reason why he isn't the top superhero in Singapore is because he's so easily distracted, the bad guys run away before he could finish them off. Lenny uses this to his advantage in "Liar, Liar Pants On Fire" by dancing non-stop and making him forget about the superpower inspection.
  • Captain Obvious: One of Principle Gomez's previous personas, when he was still applying and failing to be a superhero, was this with even the trope name being his hero name. Since he has no powers, all he can do was point out danger like someone being on fire to other heroes without doing anything of use. Both Captain Justice and the burning citizen were not amused.
  • Evil Laugh: Every supervillain on the show will engage in maniacal laughter to varying degrees as the supervillains they are.
  • Fun with Acronyms: The Mighty heroes and Captain Justice works for the South East Asian Super Hero Eastern Legion (SEASHEL). Captain Chaoszzz plans on annihilating SEASHEL with his own group, the Villains Super Hero Eliminating Legion (V SHEL).
  • Hilarious Outtakes: The bloopers from each episode are played during the credits.
  • Instrumental Theme Tune: An especially kick-ass theme song for a kids' show that's basically a one-minute guitar solo.
  • Logical Weakness: Disgusto gets his powers from eating junk food and covering himself in filth and spreads it through a foul odor emitted from his armpits. A straightforward solution to defeating him is wearing gas masks, preventing any fumes from being inhaled, and giving him a bath.
  • Magic Meteor: A meteor with electrifying blue energy came crashing down near the power plant The Magnificent Heroes were trying to save, kickstarting the entire premise. However, the meteor had the reverse effect of what the trope normally does since it took away the family's pre-existing powers which made their jobs a lot harder.
  • Power Incontinence: Unlike the rest of the Wong family, Grandpa (aka Disappearing Daddy) becomes permanently invisible and spends most of the first two seasons in this state.
  • Shout-Out: The show has several punny episodes titles such as "Heroes to Zeroes", "Who Wants To Be A Superhero", "The Good, The Bad and The Crazy", "Up, Up and Go Away", "Mission Impossible: Zero Protocol", "The Disgusting Knight Rises" and "Pirates of the Singaporean".
  • Super-Speed: Dynamix was the speediest person alive right until the meteor came down.
